Kass looked around at the others, searching for help.

Mike said, holding his arms out in defense, "No. That's all you." 

Ollie snickered quietly, "Hehe..."

Kass sighed, looking back at AJ as he cried. She stuck out her tongue at AJ, and he immediately calmed down. 

"Huh. Never would've guessed that'd work," Mike chuckled in amusement.

"Me neither," Kass replied as Clem stood next to her and looked down at AJ, who stared back up at Clem and began to smile at her.

"I think he likes you two," Bonnie said, smiling. "Calmed right down for ya. That's a good sign."

"He likes me better!" Ollie voiced from the background.

"I guess he is cute," Kass grinned.

Bonnie chuckled, "Yeah, he is, isn't he? Most babies are pretty ugly this soon after bein' born." 

"That's true. They usually look like weird little aliens," Mike quipped and Clem giggled. 

"Here...I got him," Bonnie said, taking AJ away from Kass as Kenny and Jane walked back. 

"Come on over. It's safe," Kenny said and they made their way down the hill.


That night, the group was sitting around the fire, enjoying the peace. Kassidy looked around at everyone, who seemed to be happy, but looked over to see Arvo tied up to a post some feet away from them.

"Today's my birthday...Near as I can tell at least. Definitely this week..." Luke announced.

"Happy Birthday, Luke," Clem said to him. 

"Happy Birthday!" Ollie and Kass exclaimed as well. 

"Yeah, man. Happy birthday," Mike grinned at him. 

"Thanks," Luke smiled. 

"So, that makes you, what? Twenty-seven?" Bonnie asked him. 

"That's...that's right. I'm surprised you remembered," Luke said to her in shock. "Sure as hell feel a lot older."

"Don't even start with that shit," Kenny quipped, grinning. 

Ollie snorted, "Old man..."

Kenny glanced over at him and smirked with a playful glare.

"Got outta college five years ago...feels like a million years. At least I don't have to worry about payin' off them student loans," Luke sighed, chuckling quietly. 

"I hear that. I'm sure there's some asshole sittin' on that paperwork...waitin' to collect," Mike joked. 

"Probably," Luke replied, laughing.

"I really liked school," Clem chimed in.

Kassidy only laughed, "God, I hated school!"

"I was homeschooled," Ollie nonchalantly added on.

"Just a waste of money," Kenny muttered.

"And don't forgot about time. It's a waste of time," Kass added. "I spent almost nine years in school, just to wind up in the damn apocalypse."

"Well, the major in art history hasn't helped too much the last few years," Luke said, making Kenny chuckle. 

"Sounds like you majored in workin' in a coffee shop."

"Pretty much," Luke laughed. 

"Oh, stop it," Bonnie said, smiling.

"Did get a minor in agriculture. Keep the old man happy" Luke said, a small smile on his face. 

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