Chapter 25

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It's been around a week after Clay and I admitted our feelings to each other, both of us enjoying the new stage of our relationship. A smile dances on my lips as I watch my friends stream together on Twitch. George and Dream were currently bullying Sapnap by targeting him whenever he came near George's house on the SMP. "Guys, please." Sapnap whines, making the boys laugh at the Quackity reference. While Clay and George are distracted by laughing, Sapnap quickly jumps down in an ambush-style and kills George in a couple of hits from his axe. "SAPNAP!" George shouts angrily as he watches Sapnap kill him. Clay starts wheezing harder, and then also gets attacked by Sapnap. Luckily for him, Sapnap leaves him alone when George respawns, letting Clay laugh at them in peace. 

Once the laughter dies down, George gets an interesting donation that caught my attention as soon as it showed up on screen. "Oh my God! One hundred dollars, thank you so much Kaylee! Hi George, Sapnap and Dream. I hope you're having fun streaming. I have a question, do any of you have girlfriends?" George reads out the donation, "I personally do not have a girlfriend right now." George answers.

"Same here, unfortunately." Sapnap chuckles. The stream falls silent, awaiting Dream to speak up and answer the question.

"Come on, Dream. It's one hundred dollars." George whines with a smirk on his face. Dream huffs loudly and shuffles in his chair.

"I do not have a girlfriend." Dream says, making my heart drop. I can't help but feel disappointed, even though we are not actually officially dating.

"Come on Dream, we know that's not true." George says cheekily.

"Fuck you George." Dream says, making George burst out laughing. I start to fidget with the hairband on my wrist, anxiously waiting to see where the conversation will go. 

"Wait, what is that supposed to mean?" Sapnap inquires, purposefully trying to tease Dream. 

"Nothing." Dream quickly interjects before George manages to form a reply. 

"To clear things up, Dream doesn't have a girlfriend YET." He laughs and Sapnap soon joins him. 

"Shut up guys." Dream says with an audible smile, making my heart flutter, "I guess you could say I have an eye on someone." 

My breath hitches in my throat at his words, my heart skipping. His words keep replaying in my head, causing my smile to widen in seconds. I return my attention to the stream and hear him say my name, "Which by the way Day, you better be getting ready for our date or we'll be late." He says and my eyes widen with shock. Immediately my mouse scrolls down to see that 100,000 people were currently watching the stream. I clasp my hand over my mouth and feel heat climb up my neck. 

I debate whether I'm angry at Clay for revealing that there is something happening between us to our fans but on the other hand, I get the feeling that he really is serious about me. So much that he feels comfortable announcing it to the whole world. I hold back a smile and shake my head at his moronic actions and head to my bedroom, getting ready as Clay instructed me to.

I put on a lacy dark red dress and some jewellery to start with. I begin doing my make-up, taking extra time to ensure it looks pretty. After I finish my make-up, I style my hair and finish with some perfume. I dig out my black heels from my wardrobe and put them on. I look in the mirror and feel beautiful. I smile at myself and on cue, the doorbell rings. I feel my nerves start to take over my body as I near closer to the door. I open it and outside stands Clay wearing a black suit, holding a bouquet of roses. "Wow, you look so beautiful." He says, stunned. I smile widely and lean in to kiss him, feeling like I'm on cloud 9. He wraps his free arm around my waist and pulls me in closer while we kiss. "You look very handsome, Clay." I murmur as I pull away from him. He smiles at me and hands me the bouquet. I take it happily, my heart fluttering at the small gesture, and quickly put it in a vase. 

He takes my hand and we walk outside into an Uber that Clay must have ordered. We talk a bit in the car, and we arrive at the restaurant quickly. Clay takes me by the waist and we walk into Clos Maggiore. The smell of delicious food fills my nose and I look around the stunning interior, lots of flowers on the ceiling and candles around the restaurant, creating a romantic atmosphere.

The waitress takes us to a secluded area and Clay pulls my seat out for me like a true gentleman. "Thank you." I giggle softly at his strange behaviour. The waitress takes our orders and leaves us alone to chat.

"Clay, this place is beautiful." I comment, looking around again, admiring the decorations. 

"I'm glad you like it, Princess." He smiles at me, making my heart flutter. 

"What are you planning?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at him jokingly. 

"Nothing!" He defends himself, chuckling. 

"Sure." I say, not believing him for a second. 

"I just want to spoil you, Bell." He says, shooting me a smile. I giggle at him and look into his eyes. 

"So, you announced to everyone that there's something between us today." I say, and notice his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. 

"Oh, you saw that?" He asks, nervously.

"Yes. I did." I say, showing no emotion.

"I'm sorry, I know I should've asked you first but I couldn't hold it in." He admits shyly, making my heart melt, "I want to tell the whole world that the most beautiful girl in the world is willing to go on dates with me."

"I almost forgot at how charming you can be when you need to." I say with a smile and a blush covering my cheeks, "I thought about it and I decided I'm not angry." I joke and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Thanks for making me panic." He chuckles and takes a sip of water while I giggle at him. 


After our meal, Clay leads me down the streets of London until we get to the Waterloo bridge. We look at the night sky and the river below us, feeling the cool breeze against our skin. I hear Clay clear his throat and I turn my head to look over at him. He's standing facing me, holding a small box in his hand. My breath hitches in my throat and my eyes quickly look up into his, trying to figure out why he's been acting weird all night. I study his nervous expression and feel my hands start to shake as nerves take over. I turn my body towards him and notice him take a deep breath.

"Bella, from the moment I found out about you, I was infatuated. From your addicting personality to your contagious laugh, I couldn't get enough of you. I will admit, planning the lovers' arc in the SMP was my way of getting closer to you without showing that I really enjoyed your company, I wanted to protect the remains of my ego after our many competitions." Clay says with a small smile, making me giggle a little. I feel my heart flutter at his words, and my cheeks return to their blushed state. 

"Then we met, and I couldn't take my eyes off of you. You're so unbelievably beautiful and I genuinely thought I didn't stand a single chance with you. But your precious smile kept drawing me back in. Then I saw Matt with you and the feelings I kept hidden, only became stronger, so much that I wanted you all to myself. And I still do Bella." He says and presents the small black box to me. I bring my hand to my mouth in shock and look back at Clay, tears clouding my vision. 

"Bella, I promise that I will do anything and everything I can to make you happy. To make you smile and laugh. To brighten your worst days and make your best ones memorable. I promise to take care of you and be by your side through thick and thin. Princess, I'm falling for you so hard and so quick that I simply can't wait to see you every hour of every day. So, I guess what I'm asking you Bella is, will you be my girlfriend?" Clay asks me, opening the box to reveal a ring. My breath hitches in my throat, and I feel my heart stop. A massive smile takes over my face as a tear falls down my cheek as I nod my head, struggling to think of a reply. 

"Yes, Clay. I'd love to be your girlfriend."

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