Chapter 12

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I set my phone back in my lap and look outside the car window. The sound of the radio and the driver humming fills my ears. My mind wanders back to the sunset from yesterday, thinking about Clay and me. Debating whether I'm thankful it got interrupted or disappointed. On one hand, I wanted to kiss him but I don't want to complicate anything. The long distance and different timezones would not make dating easy. That is if Clay even sees me the way I see him. 

"We're here." The driver says, snapping me out of my thoughts. I thank him and get out of the car, making my way to Will's house. I ring the doorbell and a few seconds later the door swings open, revealing a smiling Will. "Bella!" He exclaims happily, pulling me into a hug. 

"Hi Will!" I say happily, returning the hug. 

"Come on in, we're all waiting for you." He tells me and I nod. I follow Will into the living room and see Clay and Nikkie laughing together, sitting on the sofa. They're sitting pretty close together which lights an unpleasant fire in me. "Hi Bella!" Nikkie exclaims and gets up to give me a hug. When she pulls away, I can't help but notice Clay's intense gaze. His eyes travel down my body, admiring the small long-sleeved black dress I had on. I feel heat creep up my neck and settle on my cheeks. My heart skips a beat and my core lights up when his eyes make their way back up to meet mine, in an intense stare. 

Nikkie sits back down and cuddles into Will. Clay moves over to the end of the sofa and taps the seat between him and Nikkie, inviting me to sit down. I shoot him a smile and take a seat. As I sit down, his addicting scent fills my nose and I get flashbacks to the previous night. "What we watching?" I ask as Will starts scrolling through the many movies on Netflix. 

"Hmm, I don't know." He says.

"A horror maybe?" Nikkie pipes up, making Will smile. 

"That's a great idea!" I say and Will switches to the horror category.

"You not scared Bell?" Clay teases, I roll my eyes. 

"Definitely not." I retort.

 "Any wishes?" Will asks, looking over at Clay and me. We both shake our heads so Will ends up choosing the Conjuring. Before he plays the movie, Nikkie gets up and throws me and Clay a blanket. Holding another in her hands, she turns off the lights and jumps back into her seat. Clay lays the blanket over us, and gets comfortable beside me. "Everyone ready?" Will asks and we all chorus back with a yes. 

The room falls silent as the movie starts playing. After a few minutes, I look over to Will and Nikkie and see them snuggled up together, watching the movie intently. I smile at the pair and return my gaze to the movie. My heart starts beating faster as the scene progresses, I bite my lip as the movie gets scarier by the minute. Suddenly, I jump at the jump scare and close my eyes. I hear Clay chuckle beside me and suddenly I feel his breath beside my ear. "I thought you weren't scared of horror movies." He whispers smugly to me. I roll my eyes but can't help the shiver that ran down my spine at his voice. I turn my head to look at him, once again our faces centimeters apart. "I'm not." I whisper back, bringing a smile to his lips. 

"Sure." He whispers back, clearly not believing me. I turn back to watch the movie. Soon enough another jump scare happens, and I jump up once again. Clay chuckles again and my cheeks flare up from embarrassment. I hear Clay shuffle, and then I feel his arm snake around my back. He pulls me into him, pulling the blanket further over us. "Comfy?" He whispers, his lips brushing my ear. I bite my lip at the contact and nuzzle into him more as my reply. I feel him vibrate under me as he laughs, he starts rubbing circles on my waist, making my heart warm. 

My eyes begin to droop as the warmth starts sending me to sleep. I rest my head on Clay's shoulder and let sleep take over. 


"You sure that's okay?" I hear Clay ask quietly. 

"No problem at all Clay. You can take her to your room if you want." Will replies. I keep my eyes closed, and feel Clay move under me. I feel one of his arms wrap under my knees and the other around my back. He gently lifts me up and carries me out of the living room. Suddenly, I feel him place me on a soft bed. He pulls the blanket over me and gives me a kiss on my forehead. "Goodnight Princess." He whispers and pulls away.  I feel his warmth slowly disappear and I open my eyes slightly, watching him walk to the door. 

"Clay?" I speak up, making him turn to look at me, "Don't go." He stays standing beside the door, his hand on the handle. He seems to be debating it in his head, so I ask again, "Please stay." 

"Okay, Bella. I'll stay." He says softly and I watch him walk over to me. I move over, making space for him to lie down beside me. He lies down and we face each other. I study his facial features, with the moonlight lighting up the room slightly. 

"You're so beautiful Bella." He whispers, reaching out his hand to tuck my hair behind my ear. He gently traces his hand down my jawline and then my bottom lip. I watch his gaze follow his hand, stopping on my lips. He looks up into my eyes, silently asking for permission. I look at his lips and gently nod. A small smile falls on his lips, he gently pulls my head forwards with his hand. We're millimeters apart, and I flutter my eyes shut. The door suddenly opens, once again snapping us out of our moment. Clay sits up and turns to face the door. 

"Hey Clay, I found your phone." Nikkie whispers and passes it to Clay. 

"Thank you." Clay whispers back, putting it on the nightstand. 

"See you tomorrow." She says and closes the door. Clay turns back towards me and shoots me a warm smile. 

"Get some sleep Bella." He murmurs, getting comfortable again. 

I sigh quietly, and turn my back to him, getting comfy. "Goodnight Clay."

"Sweet dreams Bella." 

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