Chapter 19

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I wake up to the sound of my doorbell ringing. I make an attempt to move but a strong arm is holding me down. I look up to see Clay sleeping, quiet snores escaping his mouth. A giggle leaves my lips as I just admire the man in my bed. The sound of the doorbell rings again, making me jump out of my trance. I gently take Clay's hand off me and quietly get out of my bed. I put on some underwear and a hoodie over me. I run over to the door and look through the peephole. Outside my door stand my parents. A cold shiver runs down my spine and my eyes widen. 

"One second." I call from outside the door and start panicking. I hit my head, scolding myself for forgetting that my parents were coming over in the morning. 

I run back into my room and shake Clay awake. "Woah, woah, woah. What's happening?" He asks groggily, rubbing his eyes. 

I quickly put on some jeans and run over to my bathroom, quickly starting to brush my teeth. "My pawents." I mumble, quickly brushing my teeth. Clay slowly gets up and puts on his boxers. He then makes his way over to me and gives me a hug from behind. I spit out the toothpaste in my mouth and push him away.

"Clay, my parents are here for breakfast!" I tell him panicked. His eyes widen and he gives me a kiss on the cheek before quickly walking back into my room. I don't bother brushing my hair and just messily put it up into a bun. I run back to the door and open it, seeing my unimpressed parents outside. 

"Mum, Dad! Hi, come on in." I welcome them, shooting them an awkward smile. 

"Hi Bella." My mum smiles and walks in, my dad following behind. She instantly begins to walk around my living room and kitchen, inspecting. My dad takes a seat on my sofa and smiles at me. I bite my lip anxiously, thinking about where Clay is and what he is doing right now. 

"So what's for breakfast?" My dad asks.

"Um, about that, so w-" I begin explaining, but then Clay walks into the living room. He's wearing the same clothes as yesterday, his hair messy and a smile on his face. 

"Hello, you must be Bella's parents." He greets them, walking up to my dad and shaking his hand. He then walks up to my mum and shakes her hand with a smile. 

"Bella, who is this handsome man?" My mum asks me with a suggestive smile.

"Mum, Dad, this is Clay. He's my, um." I pause, thinking about our current ambiguous relationship, "friend." I decide, not wanting to complicate things right now. 

"Your friend?" My mum raises her eyebrow and I nod. My mum takes a seat next to my dad and just looks at Clay and me. 

"I think I'm going to go now Bella." Clay speaks up after a minute or two. 

"No, Clay, stay for breakfast." My mum says and I purse my lips. Clay looks at me, waiting for me to decide if he should stay or not. 

"Yeah, stay please." I smile at him. He smiles back and my doorbell rings. I shut my eyes and do a silent prayer that it isn't Matt. 

"I'll go get that." Clay says, "I hope you're all hungry." He walks over to my front door and minutes later comes back with bags of food. Smiles fall on my parents' faces and they thank Clay while he sets out the food on the coffee table. I can't help but watch as he easily interacts with my parents, quickly engaging them in a conversation and making them laugh. I feel my heart warm when he looks up at me, still standing up, stunned. 

"Come on Prin-Bella. Take a seat." He says, a blush appearing on his cheeks when he corrects himself. I hold back a giggle and take a seat next to him, reaching for some pancakes. 

"So, I can't help but notice the American accent." My dad comments and Clay chuckles softly.

"Yeah, I'm from Florida but I've moved here to live with one of my friends. I'm sure you know George." Clay explains. 

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