My god, she is blonde, and yes, she's blonde with makeup plastered over her face and her nails all done. "You took it all out of contexts." He tells her. "What do you mean?" She really knows nothing. "It was the spare of the moment while I shot my load." Not what I wanted to hear.

The doors open, the security guard escorts Britney from the building. I stepped out and let him make his way back to the office. I picked up the files and headed back to the elevator. 

Stood leaning back against the elevator wall, a guy with a cap steps in. The doors close, the elevator starts to move. 

We get to the tenth floor when he pushes the button to stop it from moving.


He takes his cap from his head and stares as he aimed his gun at me. Surprised to discover Sarge is the one with the gun pointing it at my head. "Sarge, you do know you need to take the safety off first." He screws his face up. 

It's just him and me stuck in an eight-by-eight enclosed space. Not an idealistic place with him pointing a gun at me, but I'm keeping my cool.

There's no point arguing with a guy when he's got a gun, and the way I feel I couldn't give a shit. I like my odds, the reason being is the gun is aimed a little too high. 

But he's a desperate man, and vengeance is on his mind. I can only distinguish two things occurring here, and that's either he dies or I die. 

But yet again, I like my odds. Confidence is in my corner.

He's still got the gun pointed at me. "Sarge, you do know that a real gun is different from playing call of duty. That gun you're holding will give you a jolt when you pull the trigger, which will knock you from your feet." He smirks. "You think you're so clever and think you can talk yourself out of anything." He's right there. 

I can talk until someone gets bored and they give me what I want.

Staring down at the gun is not fun, but showing him fear or acting petrified could make him unstable, not that it's going to make any difference. 

He's already got a screw loose to presume he could show up here with a gun. 

There are cameras in here, plus he stopped the elevator, so the alarm is going off. Not the smartest, is he? 

He might be a computer geek, but he lacks it in all the other departments.

Small cock, small ego, not sure what to do with his hands when he would make love to me. If that's what I could call it. 

He wouldn't stay hard for long and found it hard to shoot his load. He simply didn't relax. Many times, I had to fake an orgasm and show him what to do. 

The only thing he knew was how to kiss. He's a good kisser, but he lacks confidence.

Glanced down at the floor. "Sarge, I need to take my shoes off. They're killing me." He nods. Slip my feet from my shoes and kick them behind me. "Could I please put the files down?" I'm asking so he thinks he's in control. 

"Place them down over there." He gestures with his head to put them in the corner. "Do you think you will get away with this?" I ask him.

A smirk forms on his lips. "I really don't care, I just want to watch you suffer. I came back to get my own back. For humiliating me in front of the boss. And for all the things you said to me." "Well, you'll be thrilled to know I was humiliated and cheated on by the boss." His shoulders shrug.

Time to bore him until the swat gets here. "He lied to me, telling me he loved me, and he would change. I opened my heart to him, and yet again a man strolls into my life and breaks my heart. I caught him with Britney." He laughed. 

"Why did you go with him when you knew what he was like? You always said he thinks of himself and no one else." "Guess, I believed him. Thought he might change. Guess it was about him having sex with me." He screws his face up.

Lean on the wall of the elevator with my hands behind my back. "And you believed him?" "Sarge, even I have flaws and I have needs. I plainly chose the wrong guys. Consider my track record. The first man to run from me is my father and then Justin. Mind you, he didn't leave me. We ended so he could have his career. And after that, I met guys who used me to get ahead in their lives." Closed my eyes for a few seconds.

He steps back, he's relaxing. "I really haven't found out what Archer wants from me. He's probably using me for sex until another comes along and takes his fancy. Guess he's playing the game." He shakes his head. 

"What game?" "Find out how many secretaries he can sleep with. Or discover how many women fight over him. I don't know, but I'm fed up." "I wouldn't blame him for kicking you to the curb. What guy would want to stay with you when you're a total bitch." Well, that didn't last long.

I smirked at him. "Sarge, you're no better than them. You're just a lick ass. So, don't fucking call me a bitch. I would've kicked your fucking ass." He moves towards me, putting the gun to my temple. 

"Go on do it. Prove how much of a man you are. I really don't give a fuck if I die." He makes a fist with his other hand. "You got no guts. Grow some balls and fucking shoot me." I grab the barrel and point it to my head. 

His eyes locked on mine. The sweat building on his forehead. He's scared. 






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