'That's my girl' Adrea says with a laugh of my own. 

I step out of the car, beginning to make my way to the castle, weaving through the sea of people as I watch my surroundings closely. I make my way to the steps opening the doors seeing it now empty. Well seemingly empty. 

I could feel the stares on me from the shadows, more than likely presuming I'm a human as I walk through the halls, well only if they didn't already recognize my face from the many times I'd already been here. I pull out a piece of paper from my back pocket, something I'd snagged from my dresser before we left that I'd gotten from the Volturi a few years back. 

Instructions, which I only needed for small details. Reading it quickly, I shove it back in my back pocket following my nose down the narrow halls until I'm met with a brick wall. With a sigh, I walk, seeing the sewer drain before I hop down it and land on my feet with little effort. 

I then continue down the sewer as I come across a modern elevator. I see no button on the outside making me groan before I lift my hands and push the metal doors to the side before I enter and press the only button there. I wait for a bit as the elevator moves before it opens with a ding. I exit seeing the same lobby that I'd seen so many times with my Aunt. 

I walk briskly past the receptionist who I ignore wholeheartedly making my way down a long corridor, enjoying the decor. 

"Kill me! Take me, just please stop," I hear Bella screech. I growl loudly, my brisk walking now turning into a full-on sprint as I then reach the grand hall, instantly releasing my scent as I enter the room. 

Heads turn to face me, as I stand infuriated, looking at an obviously bruised Bella as she looking pleadingly at the Volturi before she looked to me. I glance at Jasper briefly, him fighting the guards that hold him even harder, managing to fling one away before he speeds towards me, taking a protective stance in front of me. 

"Ah, Audre, my dear, it is so nice to see you again, it's been so long," Aro says turning his attention away from Bella immediately as he strides towards me. 

I sigh as I place a hand on Jaspers shoulder before moving around him. 

"Hello Aro," I said walking towards him making him scoff. 

"Now what have I told you about that," he says with a wide smile as he places his hands on my shoulders, rubbing them softly. 

"Uncle Aro," I correct myself as I then hold my hand out, which he looks at me a bit with a quirked eyebrow before I nod in confirmation. 

He shrugs just a bit before he takes my hand, breathing in as he looks up, using his gift on me. 

"You are young Bella's cousin, and this is your," he says looking back at Jasper which I didn't even have to, to feel the confusion through the bond. 

"Yes so, please, be nice," I ask him with a small bow of my head. 

"Oh my apologies, please, release them," Aro says, and like clockwork, Alice is released, and Edward is now allowed to get up. Aro moves to the side, hooking his arm with mine leading me to the other 2 kings, who stand as I walk towards them. 

"Ca-" I start but he cuts me off with a stern look. I clear my throat and smile a bit. 

"Uncle Caius, Uncle Marcus," I say bowing a bit. 

"Oh it is no need for that my dear," Marcus says, and I nod a bit at them.

"I was so sorry my dear to hear about your family," Caius said, a playful smirk on his face and I nodded with a small smile. 

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