"I should be there; what am I thinking," she said.

"Hahaha. That is why I told you that maybe you are pregnant with your secret boyfriend, Auntie J."

" But Mom always tells me not to be mad at Mommy; she keeps reminding me that Mommy loves me like she does. And we need to understand Mommy's decision and make each other happy," I said.

"I know," she said. Of course, she knows. I let her read my Mom's morning letter for me. I purposely leave it on the nightstand for her to read.

"Tell me more, Ella."

"What do you want to know, Auntie J? How asshole my Mommy is?"

"No, why did your Mommy left my chaeyoung."

" She thought Mom cheated on her with Halsey. But I know Mom did not cheat on her because I heard everything." I nervously said. "But what broke me is how Mommy said to Mom that she fell out of love and she regrets Marrying Mom."

I see tears forming in her eyes.
"We don't need your pity, Auntie J."
but I hope she got the message.

"Do your Mom really love her that much?"

Of course. She loves you so much. It's making my head and heart ache.

"Mom is willing to move a mountain for her. Give her the Moon and stars. She loves Mommy more than herself."

"Do you still want your Mommy after what happened?" She asked

"Of course I do. Mommy can only make Mom the happiest woman in the world." I dryly laughed.

"Then why do you want me to fight for her?" She said. But I did not respond.

"Mom deserves more and better," I only said.

After that, no one dares to speak as we watched the sun going down and the lights in the city slowly turning on.

"Thank you for bringing me here, Auntie J."

"Thank you for telling all of that, Ella. It must be hard for you."

Thank you for making Mom happy. Please fight for us Mommy. And I want to understand you.

"Is running the only way to solve a problem?" I asked her.

"I don't know. But sometimes running away helps you think about how to solve a problem," she said. "But I also think that's a coward's move."

So, I think you just admit that you are a coward Mommy.

"Do you love my Mom?"

"I do, I guess. But I'm not sure; I'm still trying to figure out," she said. "But I know that I love her as my best friend, and she is so important in my life, I just don't know about more than that."

"What do you think about people falling out of love, Auntie J."

"You're too young for all of this conversation that we are doing. You get to see these horrible things when you are supposed to be enjoying and playing," she said. "I'm sorry for forcing you to talk about it."

"Don't give me that sad look Auntie J; you respected my Time; you deserve to hear it. And also, I need to vent it too. " I said. "So answer my question."

"Falling out of Love? I don't know. Maybe they never really loved the person the way they should love. I don't really know, Ella. I'm not a love expert, as you know," she laughed.

"Believe me, I know," I said.

Third POV

Next morning, another day. Ella and Jennie got home on time from their sightseeing in a mountain last night.

It's Chaeyoung and Ella's day today. But since Chaeyoung is busy with her school activity, Ella has left with Jennie again.

They grew their bond each day, and that makes Chaeyoung happy. To see her Wifey and Daughter's relationship getting well.

Today, Jennie brought Ella to a Park to let Ella enjoy being a kid. The brunette feels bad for the young woman for everything that happened in the future. She is too young for all of those. She is too young to think like an adult and understand everything.

She is happy to see the young woman playing in slides and playing with other kids.

" Do you want some, Ice cream?" Jennie said.

"Milk Ice cream," the young woman excitedly said.

"Okay, honey. Wait for me here, okay?" Jennie said, and Ella only nodded and continue playing on the play ground.

When Jennie entered the store to buy a milk ice cream, someone familiar called her.

"Hey, Jen, didn't expect you here," The man said.

"Oh, Kai. What are you doing here?" Jennie said.

"Just buying something."

Jennie and Kai talked to each other, caught up with what is happening with their lives. And they didn't mind the time.

The brunette forgot about Ella. When she realized she ran as fast as she could to go to the playground, but no one was there anymore.

She tried to find Ella, but there is no luck. She tried to call Chaeyoung, but the blonde is not answering, maybe she is still busy with their school activity.

She tried to run in every corner. And finally, she saw a woman holding Ella's hand, and the young woman is crying.

"Ella!" Jennie shouted and ran to them.

Ella immediately ran to her Mommy and hugged her while sobbing.

"I'm sorry, I found her lost and crying, so I'm helping her to find her Mom--" the stranger said.

"Mommy, you found me, mommy, I thought you left me again," Ella cried.

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