"He said he had friends, a lot of friends, that had no problem helping him because they shared a mutual interest. I stopped, for that day, thinking about how I could get a message out to you, or my family, but they were watching me, so I had to wait. Every day a new set of pictures were sent to me, all you, at school, work, beach, home, I couldn't risk making a move because I didn't know if you knew you were being watched," he explained. 

By this time the tears were falling uncontrollably as I looked at him.

"One day he told me you were dead, but there were no pictures this time, but I couldn't control my anger, so I killed him, and I rushed to Forks without thinking, I had just gotten there that night with you and the pack," he continued as he covered his face with his hands before dropping to his knees from the chair. 

I cover my mouth as I tried to control my breathing as the mental walls in my head began to crumble, Adrea whimpering sadly in my head, as she yearned to comfort her mate. Remorse filled her, as she thought back to what she'd said to him. 

"Now I know, I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but Audre I am so sorry, I am so so sorry, I am so sorry Audre, Audre-" he tried to continue before I'd thrown myself off the bed and wrapped my arms around his neck as I sobbed loudly.

"I've missed you so much," I whimpered as he wrapped his arms around my torso tightly, as tears continued to fall.

"I am so sorry my love," he mumbled making me cry harder as I felt his hands squeezing me tightly. 

'Audre! Audre!' I heard Sam yell in my head.

'Victoria has been spotted, and the hunters are out, and so is Bella!' Sam yelled again.

I gasped as I looked up at Jasper, him reading the expression on my face.

'I'm on my way' I said.

"What's wrong?" he asked as he held my face.

"I need you to do me a favor," I said to him as I stood up quickly.

"Anything," he said nodding his face.

"I need you to find Charlie, they're in the woods hunting, and Victoria's been spotted. Stay out of sight, and don't worry about the pack, I've got that handled," I told him.

He nodded as we quickly leaped from my window. He picked me up bridal style, running to where we met, and dropped me there. I turned, ready to make my way to the pack but he grabbed my hand, pulling me back to him. 

Then his lips were on mine before he pressed his forehead to mine. 

"I've missed you so much," he said, kissing me again, before speeding off.

I looked in the direction he ran before I smiled a bit to myself.

I quickly stripped and tied my clothes to my ankle before I broke out into a sprint towards the pack, or where they last were. I increased my speed as I followed my nose, being able to smell much better than before.

I smirked a bit as I went even faster, catching a glimpse of red hair and Harry Clearwater standing there as he stomped out something in the dirt. I quickened my speed, trying to make it, but Victoria had already ripped the shotgun out of Harry's arms, him gasping loudly. 

'NO!" I screamed in my head.

Jake had already lunged at her, tackling her but she escapes and takes off, him right on her tail. I skid to a stop as I look at Harry on the ground, trying so hard to catch his breath. I growl as I bark loudly, alerting Charlie, making him turn and look at me, his shotgun raised at me before he looked down and saw Harry.

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