Chapter 4-A Break

Start from the beginning

He walks us through a pure white brick hallway, doors and lights every few feet. But there was still yet another person to be seen. Where is everyone?

"Are we underground?" Carol asks.

"You claustrophobic?" The doc asks.

"A little."

"Try not to think about it.

Jenner leads us into another room.

"VI, bring up the lights in the main room.

There's humming, as one giant ring of lights turns on. There's a bunch of modernized computer desks stationed on a circle platform.

"Welcome to Zone Five."

"Where is everybody? The other doctors, the staff?" Rick asks, looking around.

"I'm it. It's just me here." People's faces fall. We're now standing at the desks.

"What about the person you were speaking with? VI?" Lori asks.

"VI, say hello to our guests. Tell them... welcome."

"Hello, guests. Welcome." A computer voice echoes throughout the room.

"VI's a computer," I say. He nods.

"I'm all that's left."

Rick looks lost.


We all sit in a small room, getting the blood test done.

"What's the point? If we were infected, we'd all be running a fever." Andrea says as Jenner finishes up taking her blood.

"I've already broken every rule in the book letting you in here. Let me just at least be thorough. All done."

Andrea stands up from the chair slowly, dizzily.

"You okay?" Jenner asks.

"She hasn't eaten in days." Jacqui says. "None of us have."

Jenner looks around at our group.


Everybody sits around a table laughing. There was a giant feast, even alcohol.

Dale, standing, pours himself another glass of wine.

"You know, in Italy, children have a little bit of wine with dinner. And in France," I state, hinting, standing up reaching across the table for Carl's glass with my own wine bottle. Lori covers the glass with her hand.

"Well, when Carl is in Italy or France, he can have some then," she says.

When's he gonna have the chance to go to Italy or France now?

"What's it gonna hurt? Come on." Rick says, on the other side of Carl, across from me. He glances between me, the bottle, and Carl. "Come on!" She slowly raises her hand from the glass.

Rick and Carl look expectantly at me.

"Ha, ha, ha!" I say in victory, pouring Carl some. People around laugh, including me, and I raise my glass to Carl's in our own private toast.

Rick lightly chuckles at Carl as he slowly drinks.

"Eww!" He makes a sour face. People laugh again.

"Ehh. More for me." People give another chuckle, as I steal Carl's glass, downing the rest of it. ("Yuck!")

"That's my boy. That's my boy," Lori says.

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