"No one is as smart as me" I smirked as the two of us laughed

"I'm sorry" Alex interrupted "but how do you know each other?"

"Oh right sorry- We use to be really close ghost friends" I answered

"Yeah" Willie nodded as he picked up his board "hey, uh, sorry I uh, smashed into you. I thought you were a lifer and I'd just pass right through"

"Uh, a lifer?" Alex asked

"Yeah, that's uh, that's what we call people who are living. You're new to this whole ghost thing aren't you?" Willie mentioned

"Yeah. Is it that obvious?" Alex chuckled

"Extremely" I nodded

"Totally" Willie laughed as he reached out his hand "hey, I'm uh, I'm Willie"

"Oh, uh, Alex" Alex grabbed Willie's hand and shook it but he held it for a few seconds longer

Alex may think he has me fooled but I know that he finds Willie attractive the love-struck look he gave Willie when he took off his helmet did not go unnoticed.

"And you know Amelia" Alex said as he quickly let go of Willie's hand

"Of course" He nodded "so what brings you to Hollywood? You sightseeing? Pictures with that uh, Marilyn girl?"

"Uh yeah, actually I was having a minor afterlife crisis, so you know, just cleaning my head until you tried to crack it open" Alex teased

Willie let out a laugh and I smiled at their interaction, "I did pancake you, huh?" Alex looked down and I glared at Willie who was embarrassing Alex. Willie looked at me and I gave him a look telling him to switch the subject.

"I'm sorry, um so, minor afterlife crisis?" Willie asked making me nod in approval

"Yeah, I just...keep freaking out about everything, you know? Shouldn't we be in heaven or something?" Alex asked

"Or something sounds more like it," I said

"Who's we?" Willie asked

"Oh, uh, me and my bandmates" Alex replied, "we all died."

"Right" Willie nodded "that's tragic man, you guys in some kind of accident, or?"

Alex let out a chuckle as a blush rose to his cheeks, "yeah. Yeah...you should say that we ate some bad hot dogs."

I immediately looked directly at Alex with so many emotions, I wasn't aware of how they died and I personally didn't know how to take in this information.

"Excuse me?" I asked trying not to laugh "did you just say hot dogs?"

"Woah no way!" Willie exclaimed

"Yeah," Alex replied

"Out of all things. You died from hot dogs, tainted hot dogs. Oh, you're going to regret telling me that." I told Alex laughing

"You haven't changed Mel" Willie chuckled "but hey that isn't so bad you know they say that Mozart died from eating a hot dog"

"Don't forget that Elvis died on the toilet, so it could've been worse. I think a hot dog is better than getting into a car crash because of Green Day?" I shrugged as I compared his death to mine

"Green Day?" Alex questioned

"Yeah they're my favourite band" I shrugged "anyway Willie I'll let you give Alex here a tour of the ghost world as I go make fun of two boys for eating bad hot dogs"

Forever Yours// Reggieजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें