"It's alright, it's done. Listen, when the time comes, Luke, Sarah or anyone else, you have to be ready to put them down. Zero hesitation. You know that, right?"

"We've done it before..." Kassidy and Clem told her.

"It doesn't make it any easier... It's one of my biggest fears now..." Ollie added numbly.

Jane merely nodded, "Okay. That hatchet seems to get stuck to easily. It's gonna get you killed. Use this," she hands Clem a screwdriver and she took it, "Just as effective as a knife." She moved closer to Nick's body, pushing it out of the way. 

Ollie frowned, his brows scrunched in pain. He was gone... His big brother was really gone. He wiped away the tears from face and sniffled before they followed Jane through the fence and into the park. 

As they got closer, they heard a crash.

Jane looked around, "That don't sound good. The clocks ticking."

Kassidy and Ollie pulled out their knives and Clem her screwdriver. "We're ready."

"So how do we find him?" Clem asked. "He could be anywhere in this place."

"We start by getting a better look of the place," Jane said as she looked over and saw some walkers. One over by the fence and one closer to them. "How about one of you get the guy over there, and I'll get the one by the fence?"

Kassidy snuck up behind the walker. She stood up and stabbed the walker in the head.

Jane smirked, "Nice work. You know what your doing. Now, here's an nice addition to your arsenal." She hopped the fence, ran up to the walker and kicked it in the knee before stabbing it's head. We go over to her. "Their knees are weak. Go for them first and then stab them in the back of the head. Now let's see what we got going on over here."

They moved closer and saw a bunch of walkers trying to get through a barricade and more walkers trying to get into a trailer. They looked and saw a pickup truck on the other side. "Let's see if we can find anything in that truck," Jane said.

Two more walkers stumbled toward them. They ran up to them and Kassidy did the leg trick.

Jane walked over to her, grinning, "You did the knee trick. Pretty effective, huh?"

Kassidy laughed, "If we had known that sooner, killing walkers would've been less tedious."

Jane nodded and they looked over the barricade to see the bunch of other walkers trying to get into one trailer.

"Something must've got their attention," Ollie concluded.

Kassidy nodded in agreement, "Then Luke and Sarah must be in there."

"They better be okay... I can't handle any more..." Ollie trailed off.

Jane sighed, "Ah, shit. Okay, here's what we do: If we make a lot of noise on this side, then we might be able to go through this trailer and get to your friend. Sound like a plan?"

Kassidy pursed her lips, "It's as good as plan as any. Let's do it."

"Okay. I'll keep watch while you three find something to make a loud noise," Jane told them.

Kassidy paused to think for a moment, "Actually, that truck over there might do the trick."

Clem nodded, "Good thinking."

Clem and Kass walked over to the truck and with great luck, the driver side door was unlocked. 

"See anything?" Jane asked.

"The keys are gone," is what Clem replied with.

"What about the horn? Maybe we can use that," Kassidy suggested. She pressed the horn and it honked loudly. It worked...for about a second. She nodded, "That's good. But we need to keep it going."

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