Chapter 8

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If Fortis' information had me on edge then this had me on. One of the craziest women in this world has escaped the prison and went to Montesere. If the threats from Montesere weren't enough to put me on edge, the escape of a madwoman had me falling off the cliff.

"What are we going to do? This madwoman setting something up for us and we're just supposed to take it? We knew Montesere was threatening us, but we didn't know it'd be all-out warfare!" Cassian said, and I couldn't help but agree. We weren't planning on this in any way shape or form. I mean the Illyrians are ready and we had the Veritas for practice, but we weren't ready to fight a prison escapee. With Amren fae again we have very little power against this woman.

"I think we should take the girl into consideration," Amren said, Mor, scowled.

"Why would we need to take anything about her into consideration?" Mor irritatedly questioned.

"Because she is powerful, we can all see that. Why are you so off anyway?" said Amren.

"We have a history," she says with such contempt we all falter.

"What do you mean history?" I asked.

"She was the only person I trusted with anything in the court of nightmares. Then we fought, and it was bad. We destroyed her family's library, this was before I had any control over my powers. You guys know how much power I have, and she just put me off the edge one day. I loved her, and we couldn't hold back. I learned her powers that day, and Amren's right, she's powerful, but she has 'anger issues'." I couldn't hold in my gasp. 'Powerful, what powers.' I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. 'This is why Mor's memory had so much hate. "We both knew the mistake we made when her mother came in and found us standing in a frozen wasteland. That was the last time I saw her. A few years later I found you guys and escaped. She was married by that time, to one of the few men who cared for anyone. Since then I don't know what she's gone through." This is when a tear fell down her face. Azriel seemed frozen, unmoving, what he was doing I had no idea.

"I will admit, it was wrong on my end that I threw out all that power, but she is just-. I don't know how to explain it, but she is like made of light, built from winter and made from light. And when she is angry, that light just explodes into a sun, moon cross. Winter pulses through her every vein. Her mother though, I don't know how she's survived her mother. The only reason we were close was that we both hated our families. We loved her father though, he was like the moon on a bright night. He brought light to our lives, the only way to survive. Then I turned 15 and we had that fight and she was banned from leaving her room for the next couple of months. She bled, got married, and moved to a new house in the next couple of months after that. When I turned 17 and bled, that final day before I was sent to the Autumn court I saw her, tried to talk, but she was cold and looked sad. Since then I have seen her a couple of times. Once in Velaris and four times in Hewn City. In Velaris she looked happy, joy was flowing from her. She was fresh sweeping snow. When I was in Hewn CIty, though, she was ice. She froze anyone with a look, and when that look ever came upon me she just stared, hatred flowing from every pore. I can't stand how we ended it, but I can't do anything about it." At that, she laid down putting her head in Cassian's lap.

"Well, you'll have your chance when she's back. We are getting her tonight." She hopped up and headed to her bedroom.

"I need some beauty sleep before we get her. Bye!" She sounded unnervingly cheerful.



'How could I have not seen the signs. She was once again being brought into my life. The last time I tried to talk to her she had ignored me. I don't even know what has happened to her since then.' I lay on my bed thinking about how I should react when I see her. 'I can't show weakness.' My thoughts continued to contradict each other. 'But, she's seen you weak, and out of control. I must stay confident, I've changed since then, she's changed.' I wasn't going to be able to sleep I realized, so I got up and paced around the room. Then it hit me. 'She might be our savior. I have to be honest. I can't put on a mask, she'll see right through it. We might not have spoken in 500 years, but she can still break me down to pebbles with a glare. I might just have to honestly let myself open, If I build a wall of rock I might become buried in pebbles.' With that thought I allowed myself to sleep.


When I woke up in the morning my body was aching. I didn't even know what it was aching. When I walked into the bathroom and saw the bath was running, I thanked the mother for Nuala and Cerriwidean. I soaked my aching bones trying to come up with what happened last night. First and foremost, Moxxi is coming to stay here today. Tonight there is a meeting. 'Tonight there's a meeting! I need a dress!' I quickly get out of the bath and get on some clothing, then winnow to Feyre.

"Feyre, we're going shopping, I need a dress to scare the guys. Rhys, me, and Feyre will be leaving now." Before the High lord or High lady could say anything, I grabbed Feyre and we winnowed to the front of my favorite shop. Dragging Feyre in I started looking around and found Fairly, the owner of the small shop.

"Fairly, I need something to scare some people, most being males. Something red, obviously, but it needs to be a scary red."

"I've got the perfect thing, Mor." He pulls out a brick red and black dress. The top was a deep v neck meeting at my neck in a choker style. The fabric hugged my body in every way possible. The back was almost nonexistent, but there was enough to cover my butt and hang down. The rest of my skirt was thin tule that left both my legs free to move.

"It's perfect, exactly what I need." I hugged him, letting go when I saw Feyre eyeing a dress. "And it seems the High Lady is following in the footsteps; a scary yet fitting dress." Fairly and I chuckled and Feyre just scowled, though I knew it was joking.

"Maybe if Mor hadn't dragged me out of my room then I would've been more susceptible to buying clothing, but I've got quite a few dresses already put away."

"So, when you have got dressed and had a bath and I need to go shopping, is it called 'dragging you out of bed'?" Feyre rolled her eyes and I pretended that hurt me.

"Mor is forgetting who her High Lady is," I smirked at her.

"And Feyre is forgetting that I don't give a damn." Fairly and Feyre's chuckles could be heard ringing through the shop. I got up to pay for the dress and Fairly ran over to the register.

"I think that would be 38 gold slips." When I hand over 40, he tries to return the two extra slips.

"No, keep it. I already have too much money." He nods and places the money in the register. Feyre and I exit the shop to see a few people dancing in the streets while a fiddler was playing an upbeat tune. When I decided to join them Feyre just smiled watching. "Come on Feyre join!" I yell at her. When she shakes her head 'no' I just smile and grab her arm. When she's pulled on to the dance floor she gives a little yelp when I spin her into an exciting dance. At the end of the song, we go on our way to a small tea shop for lunch. "I saw you eyeing that blue dress. It would look beautiful on you, Feyre, it would perfectly match your eyes." She shook her head at me.

"Maybe, but I've got a lot of dresses Mor," she says, sipping her wine, " And, I already have plenty of dresses you want don't I." I swallowed a chuckle at that.

"I did wonder where you got all those Starfall dresses?" I questioned taking a bite of a sandwich. "Rhys never bothered to tell me."

"Maybe you should ask him again," Feyre said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes, "Though, it might be a rather sensitive topic for Rhys." I wanted to question further but held myself back seeing she didn't want to further the conversation.

"What do you think of the tea shop? At first, I thought it was pretentious, but Amren loves it, don't ask me why now I like it too."

"It looks fancy and beautiful," she says, giving a sweet smile to the owner.

"Hey! You aren't allowed to sweet talk, Leia!" She tries to keep a straight face, but when our eyes meet we burst out in laughter. About ten minutes later we left smiling just as much as ten minutes beforehand. I knew that she was trying to get me to forget tonight, and to my dismay, it's working.

Tonight, I might return to my nightmares, but today, I'm living in my dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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