The pair spent the next few minutes laying there, breaths mingling into one, foreheads pressed together, eyes tracing each other's faces so carefully as if they needed to memorise them.

"What's on your mind?" he hummed, softly kissing the bridge of her nose. To this, she closed her eyes with a smile.

Once upon a time she would have said nothing, but now she curls into the velvet of his neck to sigh about all the things she's lost and gained.

"And you," she traced butterfly kisses along the broad of his bare shoulders, "Have made me realise that moving to this small town was definitely worth it."

"Aren't I glad to hear that," letting go of a sigh when her lips reached his neck, he snuggled in closer, "I don't want to leave your bed," he groaned.

This led to her quiet chuckling, "I'm not going to tell the boys you said that."

It was Seokjin's idea to organise a small picnic for lunch that day, and Hoseok was much too excited to introduce Chris as his girlfriend officially.

"We don't have to go," she could hear his pout, "I don't wanna."

"We both know that's a lie," pulling back, she searched for his eyes, "Besides, we'll have all the time in the world afterwards, hmm?"

He gasped, "We need to make something for the picnic too; I totally forgot."

"Or," she smirked, "we could buy some muffins from the store and pack them in a couple of containers?"

"Mhm," he returned her cheeky smile, pulling her closer to him once again before kissing her swiftly, "I like the sound of that."

Her grin grew, and he liked how it fit so perfectly against his mouth. He loved how his bottom lip could fit into the curve of her smile. Her smile that's only his.

Everyone seemed to already be at the park by the time Hoseok and Chris got there. Jungkook and Jimin were running after each other unsurprisingly, followed by a little boy. Yoongi and Naileah were immersed in a conversation that had them both smiling at each other obliviously. The rest were chatting idly as they set up the picnic blanket, spreading out the food as they did so.

But when Seokjin looked up slowly, he did a double-take before beaming widely at the two walking up to them. "Hoseok! Chris! Hey!"

"Hi hyung," Hoseok clasped the older man's shoulder before waving at everyone else there, "Hey guys."

Chris smiled too, "Hope you all weren't having too much fun without us."

"Oh my goodness, this is Chris?" a feminine voice spoke, and she turned to see a member of the group who she hadn't seen before.

The woman quickly rose to her feet and sent her a gorgeous smile, "I'm Jaeyi, it's so nice to meet you finally."

Chris looked down at her hand before looking back up at her again, hesitating slightly. Without a second to spare, she felt Hoseok by her side, nudging her, "She's Seokjin hyung's best friend, I promise you'll love her."

"Seokjin hyung's best friend," she scoffed, teasing Hoseok, "Not by choice," she told Chris this time, squeezing her hand when she took it.

Chris grinned, "It's lovely to meet you, too. I'm..." suddenly self-conscious, she looked around to see if anyone was listening, "I'm..."

"We're our own people," Jaeyi assured her, "You don't have to introduce yourself to me as someone else's something, don't you worry."

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