Chapter 7 The Challenges

Start from the beginning


Everyone got further down in the fields. Down in the center where piece and board scatter. They got into running position till one of the Foxy member pull out a flare gun and fire it.

"GOOO" foxy shouts.

As everyone bolted it down the field. Luffy, Kid and law run further down then both teams.

Kid summons metal. As metal piece and metal junk forms around both of his arms. Luffy and law lift the base and Kid lift it in the front. And franky came behind them and lift in the back.

Monet, Usopp, Brook, Nami and Bonney collect pieces. They tossed it ontop of the base. Luffy team begin to run off as the half throw the last piece and jump ontop.

"Dammit Bonney i told you cut down!" Kid shouts.

"Noooo neverrr" Bonney said.

Luffy carry team hauled as the builder team quickly builds.

Foxy team did the same except with Sanji, Zoro, Robin, Hamburg and Hancock with handful of member carrying the base. And the rest were builders, building the ship.

Both teams carried their working ships. They run faster, moving into outside the school borders. Since it the largest school.

"WHERE THE HEAD?" Usopp shouts.

"HERE!" Nami, Bonney, And monet they throw Usopp A sheep head with horns.

"OOOFFFF" Usopp got slammed by the head and almost fall off. Till a hand grab onto Usopp.

"Don't fret Usopp I am Here" Brook said.

"Ah thanks Brook for the save" Usopp said as they slide the the head onto the front of the boat.

"THERE WE FINISH!" Usopp shouts.

"Goood now we have to cross the finish line we almost at the statue" Nami said.

"OH OH I WANT A TOO SEE" Luffy said. As he stretched his arm and grab Brook and Usopp and switch places with him.


"I want to get a good view" Luffy said. As he jump ontop of the sheep head.

"I'm Going call it merry" Luffy said.

"FINE JERK NAME IT BUT ONCE WE ARE DONE I SWEAR LUFFY!!" Usopp struggling to hold the boat up.

They race around the front of the school, neck to neck. They past through the Blue Statues. And turning around the corner of the school building.

"Now go into phase 2" Foxy said as he hold his phone.

"It be done boss" his memebers said.

Soon foxy members start deploying traps.

Luffy teams continue to run till wires were pulled. Except they Jumped over the trip wire.

Foxy deploy more traps.
-oil slicks

They all manueve and manage to maintain their ship. Soon both teams reach to the back of the school.

"Damn that Strawhat..... guess i have no choice then" Foxy said, grinding his teeth.

Luffy team were ahead of the race.

"I SEE THE FINISH LINE" Luffy shouts.

"GOOOD" Everyone shouts.

Till they begin to slowly stop. They move inche by inche slowy. Their eyes see Team Foxy Running Ahead of them faster then them. Till a trip wire raised from the ground, tripping the 5 guys. They fall slow motion as the boat flown out, the girls jump out slowly.

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