"Your shoes, phone, condoms." He stares at her. "Safety. Would you like another one of me? I know I wouldn't, and I think he wouldn't either." She points at me with her face screwed up. 

Shake my head, Aston laughs. Side glanced him. "You're lucky. You've been married and no children." He sounds remarkably carefree. "We never spoke about children when Ellie and I were married. Never crossed my mind." He never lost his smirk when I told him.

Watched Sasha and Pip lean against each other, giggling trying to slip their heels on. Closed my eyes for a second. 

Grab the bottle of wine, step over to Sasha. She doesn't make eye contact with me, and grabs Pip's arm, and they swayed out the door, but they step into it first. 

Straight into the glass door. "Fucking door." She spits. Not giving it a chance to open. They burst out laughing. Roll my eyes, follow them to the limo.

The girls slide in and Sasha gets a drink. She hands one to Pip. Peered over to Aston, who smiles. I couldn't talk to her or glance at her for what she'd done.

Arrived at the penthouse. Aston proceeded straight to bed with Pip, and I moved to my room. Thought Sasha was following, but she didn't. She slept on the sofa for the night. I left her not wanting to get into a fit of rage with her.


Arrived at the office after having a sleepless night. When I entered the lounge this morning, Sasha had already left. 

Opened my door to observe my coffee and breakfast waiting for me. Glanced around the office to catch a glimpse of Sasha, but she's not here. 

Sit at my desk to eat my breakfast. Glanced up to encounter Britney striding towards me. She steps in and closes the door.

Wiped my mouth to glance at her. "You missed me, baby." She says pouting her lips. "No, why are you here?" I ask her. 

She undid her jacket and let it fall to the floor. She's stood in black lingerie and stockings. Rise from my seat to pass her coat to her. 

"Britney, we're done. Now leave." Hand the jacket to her. Sit back at my desk, and she sits on my lap with her legs to the side.

I'm trying to push her off, but she's got a grip on me. Her arms locked behind my neck. Attempting to kiss me. My hands on her hips straining to push her from me. 

The door opens and Sasha is stood there. "Sasha." It came out in a shocked, surprised tone. Almost guilty sounding. "Please, it's not what it looks like." Britney stands to glance over to Sasha. 

"You honestly think he would fall for you?" Britney says. Sasha shakes her head. "Please Sasha," I rise from my seat, and Britney is clinging on to me.

Take her hands from me. "Britney, we're done now, leave." I yell. I notice Sasha's hands turn into fists. 

She steps forward. "You aren't worth it. I knew you would do this. You're suited for each other. I'm done." She storms out from the office and grabs her bag. 

"Get out of my office and don't ever fucking come here again. I'm in love with Sasha." Throw Britney her coat and she leaves.

I had to go after Sasha and stop her, and hope she'll listen to me. Get to the lobby of the office, and I don't notice her. 

Slide into the limo to head to the penthouse. Stepped into the lounge to hear her in the bedroom. Hasten to the bedroom to observe her packing her clothes.


She's ramming her clothes in her case. "Sasha, please. It isn't what you think." "That's what they all say. And make up excuses. Guess you're no different than them. And to think you could change." 

"She just turned up and took her coat off. I handed her coat back and told her to leave." "I don't want to hear the excuses." She grabs her case to advance towards the lounge.

No matter how much pleading I do, she'll not believe me or listen to reason. This had happened to her too many times for her to even forgive me. 

"I'm sorry, but I swear nothing happened." She opens the door and leaves me. With the way Britney acted, and with what Sasha witnessed with her own eyes, it probably appeared like something was going on. 

Just when you think you have everything figured out, but you don't.

Sit on the sofa staring at the closed door. How the hell can I get her to listen to believe what I'd said? Rubbed my face over and over. 

Got my phone out to ring her. I keep getting her voice message. "Sasha, please call me. I love you." I kept leaving voice messages. "Sasha, please just talk to me". I must have left her a hundred messages. I'd filled her voice box up. I text her hoping that would work.

Glanced down at my mobile and sent another message. "I love you. I would never hurt you. Sasha. I'm hurting, please talk. I need you." I sent it and tried another, but I filled her box up. 

I threw the phone across the room with anger. We've only been together for a short while, but I love her. My heart is aching.

Stood to grab a bottle of brandy. Gazed out the window drinking from the bottle watching the sun go down. 

Darkness filled the penthouse. Didn't put the lights on, just wanted to drink and stare out the window into the darkness. I miss her, and she's only been gone twelve hours. My eyes wept. 

Just let my tears fall. All I feel is a pain in my heart. Is this what it feels like when you truly love someone? 

Sasha is exciting, makes my heart pound. I want to be with her all the time. Want to hold her. Curl up on the sofa and watch movies. I love her so much. 








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