We're in the limo heading back to the penthouse. "We should invite a few friends over tonight," I say to Aston. "Just what we need." He says. 

Sasha is staring out the window, not even listening to us. She didn't have a good upbringing at all. Just can't understand how her father lives like he does, but never provided for his daughter.

Glanced at Aston, he nods at me. "Sasha, your father's got a nice house." She faces me. "It was his parent's house which was left to him. My father's got money and Mya was his secretary. He didn't tell you that, did he?" Stared back at Aston, who glanced around me to peep at her.

"That's how our parents met." He tells her. "I know, but they don't act fake. Mya was a nobody when I first met her. When she married my father, she began to spend his money like water. My father got angry with her and almost lost everything because of her." Shake my head.

She tilts her body to stare at me. "My father told her to stop spending, or the money would be gone. She didn't listen and dad lost it all. Grandad flew into a rage calling her a gold-digger. He helped my father out and he got back on his feet, but he gives her an allowance each week. Plus, my granddad had her sign a prenup. He was a guy I admired. Then he died on my birthday and a year later my nanna died on my birthday. So, my birthdays aren't for celebrating. And every year something happens that I have no control over. This year I found my boyfriend in bed with a girl. Last birthday I was working with you all night doing the reports and the year before was the year my flat got raided by mistake." We gaze at her with our mouths agape.


Guided Sasha to a room, and she's been there ever since. Aston and I are in the kitchen talking. "I'm her boss. It feels wrong having her stay here. She needs her own place." I regret even asking Sasha to stay, knowing how it can complicate the situation between us.

"Archer, you do cause me to chuckle at times." "What did her step mum want?" He picks up his cup and takes a seat. "Sasha's right there are fake people out there. She wanted phone numbers for the caters our parents use. Reckon, she's attempting to outdo her neighbours." I laughed.

It got me thinking. "You just gave me an excellent idea. I need to speak to mum and get her to invite them to one of her lavish parties. Sasha will be there, and they'll notice that she's no different with our parents." I smiled with the thought of putting her stepmother in her place.

"You could be playing with fire. But our mother is always the party animal, and she likes to have fun. Guess it's time they understand how billionaires have a party." Aston says, and high five.

We haven't done that in a while, not since we were at Uni, and he was in his last year. We saunter to our rooms to prepare for the party we're having. I'm in the shower when Aston steps into the bathroom. "Do I ever get any time alone from you?" He smirks at me. 

"We have guests." Shoot him an expression. "It's too early for guests." Wipe the soap from my eyes and rinse myself to step out.

Grab a towel to wrap around my waist, and stepped into the bedroom to have mum and dad standing there gazing at me. "This is unexpected." I say, and glance over at Aston, who makes the shape eyes at me. 

Instructing me to shut up. "We need a family meeting. Get dressed, we'll wait in the lounge." They leave. "What the fuck." I glance over at Aston. "I'm in the dark, just like you." Sighed loudly and got dressed.


Stepped into the lounge. "What the hell were you thinking, sending Sarge to Africa?" My father shouts, and I halt in my stride at his raged tone. 

Sasha steps out from the hallway. "You need to sit too. You're part of this family, and it's you that got us in this mess." My mother smirks. 

"Tyler." My mother utters, and he paces the lounge. "Tyler." She yells at him; he shoots her an eye. "You need to apologise to Sasha; you don't speak to her that way." My mother scolds him.

He bows his head. "Sasha, I'm sorry. Violet is right. She's always fucking right." My mother grins.

Our father stops and stares at us. "Please tell me what the fuck happened?" My father asks again. 

Sasha took her mobile out and passed it to my mother, who burst out laughing. "Oh, my. The poor guy. Sasha, I feel sorry for you. You must've felt sorry for him." They burst out laughing. "My god, I've eaten a sausage bigger than that." My mother adds, still laughing. 

My father shoots her a glance.

Glanced at my brother, not sure if I should say something. "Right Tyler, sit and I will tell you." "Vi, come on. They need to learn." "They're adults, and you're treating them like children." He gives my mother his puppy eyes. "That'll not work. Tyler, they took care of business, and that's all that matters." Our father pulls our mother onto his lap. 

"I hate it when you're always right. You are very fucking sexy. Cockteaser." I coughed and they stared at us.

They stand, my father lifts my mother, and she wraps her legs around him. "We should leave and let you get ready for your party." My father says and they leave. 

Glanced at Aston, he smiles. Watched Sasha amble back to her room. "Why don't you speak to her?" Aston asks me. "I don't know what it is, but she's driving me crazy. The more I know about her, the more. I don't know. She knows everything about me. The wine I drink, the food I like. Collects my dry cleaning, gets my breakfast in the mornings. She knows more about me, and I'm only just getting to know her after three years of working for me." He laughs at me while advancing to the other spare room.




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