Decisions and Seduction.

Start from the beginning

"Leo please don't."

"Don't what?"

"D-Don't say that."


"Because that's what Erich said to me." I whispered, and his eyes went wide.

"E-Erich Blunt is the guy?" He asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, and it seems as if everyone fucking knows!" I spat, frustrated.

"Well as your future husband, I have every right to know."

"First of all, You're not going to be my future husband. Second of all, you don't have to know anything because it's my life." I said and turned back to the food. Leo let out a frustrated groan.

Suddenly I felt hand wrap around my waist again, and I was pulled back, being hoisted onto the counter.

Oh god...not again...

"Listen to me Mia Cara, I won't let go of you, because I know we have something special, and I know you feel something too." He said, caressing my jaw. His hand wasn't like Erich's.

Erich's hand on me was firm, and quite rough, even though his hands were soft.

Leo's hands felt rough, but his hands on me were so soft and sweet, which made me feel special and beautiful.

"Just give me a chance."

"I can't, not while I have a child growing inside me."

"One date, it's all I'm asking" He said, and I looked at him, staring at his eyes, which were bright.

"Fine, one date." I said, and smiled, his hand going to my hip while one was still on my jaw. I pushed him away.

"Now let master Evie cook!" I exclaimed while jumping off the counter. Leo's put his hands up in surrender, sitting down and watching me.

Trevor's pov
I stared at the picture of Evie. She didn't look like me nor Cassidy. Her mother was a redhead, so it made sense that she had red hair.

I remember the first time I met Evie's mother, her name was Fiona. She was truly a ginger, but she was beautiful.

Evie looked just like her.

It just angered me, when I saw her.

Anger overwhelmed my body when I saw her stupid fucking stomach, which was hard to see because it was too early, but I knew she had Erich's fucking child in there.

But when I saw her face when I was glaring, I saw her hand on her stomach and immediately calmed down.

Even though she wasn't doing it, I felt she was FLAUNTING her pregnancy.

It just reminded me Laura was infertile..and I-I couldn't seem to think about the fact that I couldn't
give Laura a baby, something she'd be dreaming and wanting since our marriage.

She didn't want to have a surrogate, so we both decided that when the time was right, we'd adopt.

But still...s-seeing Evie come down with her baby blue dress and her belly just slightly poking out because of that child pissed me off, and I knew it upset Laura too, even if she didn't show it.

She was used to covering up her pain and sadness, and as had most of the Joyce family ever Since's Evie's dads death.

I remember when Uncle Matt and Aunt Fiona died. It was a Saturday, and it was during dinner. Nonna cooked this beautiful Italian feast, and that's when she got the call.

She collapsed onto the floor, screaming words in Italian that were muffled by her sobs.

Cassidy and I sat there still, while my aunt Sienna, who now lives in Greece, just sat there and started praying in Italian.

My other uncle Daniel, who was INSANELY close to Uncle Matt, didn't talk to anyone for a few weeks. He lives in America, and Nonna forces me and Cassidy to fly down there to see if he's okay.

He wasn't.

He was a mess. He was dirty, and the smell of cigars and sex lingered in the air. Luckily enough, he finally picked himself up a few months later.

Now? All of the Joyce family goes to the cemetery half an hour away from my grandparents home, stay there for a little, say our prayers, and leave flowers for them.

I need to take Evie to that cemetery one day.

I truly didn't know how Evie suddenly escaped our grasp and went into child services, but I remember how hard Nonna and Nonno did to try to find her.

It was sad, but I think Evie had it the worst.

It's weird...I have so much pity and respect for her but...

I wanted to fucking murder her at the same time.

Hope u all enjoyed, love u all-Julia♥︎

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