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Evie's pov
"This looks so good Nonna!" I exclaimed as I looked into the pot.

"It's a family recipe, and no one has ever hated it, so hopefully you'll enjoy it."

"Trust me, I will." I said while she stirred. I grabbed the homemade mozzarella from the refrigerator, putting it on the table. Nonno came back into the kitchen, looking stressed.

"Ana, Per favore, vieni qui un momento." He said, and she nodded. She walked out of the kitchen, leaving me confused. {Translation:Please come here for a moment.}

"What the hell..." I muttered to myself, and my nonna turned around.

"Keep on stirring the pot Evie, I'll be back soon." She said, and I sighed, nodding. I stirred the pot, when suddenly my phone beeped.

Soon after that small scuffle a few hours ago, nonna presented me with a cellphone, which had a few numbers in it.

Nonna's, Nonno's, Trevor's, Laura's, and Leonardo's. I didn't truly understand why I needed Leonardo's phone, but apparently Leonardo 'insisted' I had it.

Quite, strange..isn't it.

"EVIE." My nonna yelled out, and I walked to where the sound was coming from. She walked into the room, seeing Nonno running his hands stressfully through his greying hair.


"Your cousin, Trevor, is coming here tonight with his wife, Laura."

"Oh..." I muttered out.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I didn't tell my grandparents about what Trevor texted me last night, and how his message sent warning bells throughout my head.

'I don't know what your doing, but if it's fucking with my business, I'd suggest you stop before things get real messy.'

The message sent a shiver down her spine, and quickly something flew through my veins, an emotion I didn't know how to read.


"Trevor and Laura are very nice, so I don't think you have anything to be worried about." Nonna said, and put her hand on my shoulder, squeezing it to try to comfort me. I nodded, exhaling.

"May I be excused?" I asked, and she nodded.

"Go right ahead." She said and I ran out of the kitchen, going up the stairs.

"Hey." I let out, and Layla chuckled through the phone, immediately calming my nerves.

"Are you okay, you sound breathless?"

"Trevor is coming over tonight."

"As in, the guy who sent you that death threat?"

"That wasn't a death threat."

"He told you to fuck off his work, or he'd do something fucked up."

"I-I don't know." I stuttered out, and she exhaled.

"I'm sorry I can't be there with you, Ev, but just know that if that motherfucker ever hurts you, I'm getting the first flight out her and beating his bony italian ass."

"Layla please, don't."

"Don't what?"

"Just don't, Layla." I said and she sighed.

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