Anger Issues.

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Erich's pov
Ivana climbed on my lap, wrapping her arms around me tightly. I stared at her, a smirk slowly invading my face.

"Let's make this quick." I said and she nodded. Her lips were pressed on mine, and very quickly I started running my hands down her body, making a small moan come out of her mouth.

I stopped at her ass, giving it a small squeeze before moving my hands to the back of her thighs, her hands gripping my hair tightly.

Suddenly I heard the door being banged on harshly, making us stop.

I slowly pulled away, a small groan of annoyance coming out of Ivana's mouth. I threw her off me, and threw my shirt back on over my head. I walked to the door, seeing Jackson.

"Dude, what the fuck do you want?"

"I needed to talk to you asap."

"I'm kinda busy here."

"You being with a whore is not busy you twat." He spat and I exhaled, looking at Ivana.

"You need to leave." I said and she rolled her eyes before putting on her shoes and jacket. I watched as she walked out, sending me the finger as she got into her car. I slammed the door shut, seeing Jackson pacing around the room.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"We have a problem."

"Sounds like you have a problem."

"ERICH JUST SHUT YOUR TRAP AND SIT DOWN." He spat and I obliged, sitting down.

I felt like a fucking child.

"What is going on?"

"Now listen, I may be wrong, but I think that girl you hooked up with a month ago is pregnant." He said and I looked at him, before chuckling.

"That's pretty fucking funny, Jackson, but now tell me what's actually wrong."

"You're one night stand is pregnant with your fucking kid."

"She's on birth control."

"No she's not, and you've expressed to me and the entire world that you don't use condoms." He said and sat down on the couch across from me.

"How the fuck do you even know?"

"I'm still in contact with Layla, and when I asked her about it, she immediately got tense, and told me that she had to leave. Now, she's not responding to my calls nor texts. So Evie must be pregnant."

"Or she ghosted you."

"Maybe, but I believe Evie's pregnant, as Layla told me Evie can't afford birth control and you guys definitely use a condom." Jackson said, and I got up, running my hands through my hair.

"Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck." I kept on repeating as anger coursed through my veins rapidly.

I grabbed the vase near me, smashing it on the floor, the pieces of glass flying around, making Jackson quickly cover his face.

"FUCK." I yelled out as I grabbed the nearest thing by me, which was the tv remote, smashing it on the floor, it definitely breaking.

"ERICH, DUDE STOP." He yelled and suddenly grabbed me by my face, slapping me harshly.

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