The Beginning.

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Evie's pov
I scrubbed the last of the floor, making sure you could practically see your face in it. I heard one of my co-workers calling my name, but my thoughts were invading my head.


I've been having nightmares for the past few weeks, each one more gruesome then the other. It's like when my eyes close for more then ten minutes, I get thrown into the past. I hated it.

God, I miss my parents so much.

"EVIE." I heard someone shout, and I turned around, seeing my coworker Taylor. I looked at him.

"I'm sorry, what's up?" I asked and he sighed.

"You're friend Layla is here, She said she's here to come pick you up." Taylor said, and I sighed.

"Thank you." I said put the dish rag in the bucket. He grabbed it, and I smiled.

"Thank you Taylor, you're my hero." I said and kissed his cheek. He smiled brightly at me, and I sighed. I walked to the place where all the cleaners kept their clothes, grabbing my duffel bag which kept my clothes in it.

I walked to the bathroom, quickly changing from my cleaning clothes to my regular clothes, which was just a tan t-shirt with black leggings.

I smelled like artificial lemon, which seemed to be in every cleaning product in this stupid insurance company.

I walked out, seeing my best friend Layla, who smiled.

"Hey." She said and hugged me tightly. We got into her car, and I ran my hands through my auburn hair.

"Rough night?"

"I just worked from 8 pm to 1 am, yes it was rough." I responded and she sighed.

"I'm sorry Eve." She said, and I nodded.

"You say sorry to me 582 times a day, Layla, you sound like a broken record." I said and she smiled pitifully.

Layla has always felt pity for me. It's like a permanent thing now. I hated it, but I could never tell her because I knew she would just pity me harder.

My life has been the same every day since I moved to San Francisco. I get up at 8:30 am, go to my other job, work there until 6:30, get ready for my night job, work there until 1 am, go to sleep, wake up at 8:30 am, and that's it. That was my life.

It sucked.

Layla kept me going, and so did a few people at my day job. I knew that if I just hanged myself or shot myself no one would care. But I've always been scared of death. I'm scared of any type of pain.

Yeah, I'm a scaredy cat.

Layla pulled into my apartment, and I sighed as I got out.

"Thank you Layla."

"Stop thanking me all the time, go to bed." She said and I nodded. I walked into my apartment, seeing the doorman.

"Hi Alvin."

"Hi princess, how are you today?"

"Tired, per usual."

"Well why don't you go get a good nights sleep."

"I will do that." I said and he smiled. I opened the door to the stairwell, slowly going up the stairs since my feet hurt and the elevator was broken.

I opened the door to my apartment, sighing lightly as I set my purse and coat on the kitchen counter. As small as this place was, I loved it.

It made me safe, and it felt like my own little cot which I could wrap myself up in and forget about the world.

God, did I fucking hate the world.

Layla paid for my tv and my furniture, which I told her she didn't have to do, but she still did it. I loved Layla forever for that.

She's done so much for me, which I truly didn't understand why she did do it. I've asked her why, but she always responded with 'Don't worry about it'.

I sat down on my couch, putting on the tv. I saw yet another segment on the news about Erich Blunt. A chill flew down to spine just thinking about him.

Two years ago, he was in a very public trial about him possibly murdering his biological father, his mistress, and the fetus which was slowly developing in her stomach.

Although nearly half the world knew damn well he killed those people, he was still granted not guilty. I positive be paid then off, but no one knows, it's between Erich and his lawyers.

Now, he was feared by almost the entire word because of that trial. He's more successful then ever, and he's currently thriving with a net worth of 4 billion. He was living a very comfortable and high life.

Although he went through those murders and that vicious trial, he still was hooking up with random females and doing drugs.

He didn't seem to mind being vocal about it, which to me made him look like an absolute psychopath, while he thought he looked badass or whatever.

God, I wouldn't touch that man with a six foot poll.

Although I believe he's a full on psychopath, I wasn't going to lie, he was extremely handsome and charming. He was taking his charming good looks and his money to his advantage, which he had every right to do.

I just couldn't seem to grasp as to why he wanted to murder his mistress and their baby. I mean, why do it? He's rich enough, why not make her get an abortion? Or why not just let her go and pay for child support, if he didn't want the kid so badly...

I just couldn't understand.

I changed the channel, seeing my favorite show on. I let it play while I walked into the kitchen, cleaning the dishes. I looked at my digital clock, seeing it was 1:30 am.

Fuck, only around six hours of sleep. How will I get through tomorrow?

I didn't have a phone, as I couldn't afford it, so I bought a digital clock just so I knew what time it was.

I had to drop out of high school, so my education on things was minimal. I would truly do anything in the world just to be able to go back to school. I just wanted to have a future.

I just wanted to live because I wanted to, not because I had to.

New book. Hope you all enjoy-Julia♥︎

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