Split Personality.

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Trevor's pov
"Ciao Nonna." I said and she smiled while hugging me. The hug was short, as she immediately went off to Laura. I saw my sister, Cassidy, typing away on her phone.

"Where's the new one?" I asked and she looked up, sighing.



"Nella sua stanza, di sopra.." She answered, pointing. I nodded, going up the stairs. {Translation:In her room, Upstairs.}

Io e lei faremo una chiacchierata. {Translation:Her and I are going to have a little chat.}

Evie's pov
I looked at myself in the mirror, sighing as my hands slowly smoothed out the bottom of it. I was a little nervous.

I was meeting my male cousin who may or may not be pissed at me and his wife...I'm nervous as shit.

I grabbed my lipgloss, putting a little on my lips. I was about to grab my white heels when I heard a knock at the door, making me jump.

"ONE SECOND." I shouted, and the knocking stopped. I put the heels on, grabbing my phone. I opened the door, my eyes going wide.

"Ciao Bella." He said, and I turned my head in confusion.

"I...I don't speak Italian." I said and he shoved his way into my room.

"I'm Trevor." He said, and fear suddenly struck me, making a shiver go down my spine.

"What do you want, Trevor? You want to send me more death threats?"

"No, and what I sent you wasn't a death threat, it was a technological warning."

"Technological warning? God, you are such a geek." I sputtered out, and his eyebrows raised, a frown on his face.

"I don't know what the hell you are doing, but clearly you fucked with my business."

"It wasn't on purpose Trevor."

"So what? It's just a coincidence?"

"That my baby daddy is a guy who you're planning on working with? Yeah, it is." I answered, and his eyes went wide.

"Erich Blunt is father of your child?" He asked walking up to me, making me get slightly nervous.

"Y-Yes." I stuttered out, mentally cursing myself, as I hated when I stuttered.

"CAZZO." He yelled viciously, making me jump at his sudden outburst. He aggressively walked out of room, not failing to shove my shoulder and then finally slamming the door.

"Oh my god..." I whispered to myself as I walked out.

"Hopefully of all enjoy the precious feast!" My nonna exclaimed while everyone smiled. We all started to dig in, and I saw Trevor glaring at me, which I ignored.

"May I point out the elephant in the room, which is Evie?" Cassidy asking, making me drop my metal fork on my lap. I sighed.

"Since no one will shut up about it, yes, Erich Maxwell Blunt is the father of my child and is also planning on working with Trevor who hasn't stop shooting daggers at me the minute he fucking saw me!"

"Because you're fucking with my business!"

"I didn't mean to!"

"It's not just a fucking coincidence Evie."

"God you're such an asshole."

"STOP STOP." Nonno exclaimed, looking at both of us with a obviously pissed off look.

"First of all, we do NOT curse at the dinner table, and second of all, I planned on talking about it when everyone was full but it seems as if you two couldn't wait." He said, and I exhaled.

"I'm not even hungry."

"Me neither." He said, and Nonna rubbed his temples, obviously frustrated.

"You two, in my office, right now." Nonno said, and immediately my nonna put her hand out.

"You need to eat first." She said, then looked at me.

"You have a precious baby to feed." She said, and a pit fell to my stomach.

"I swear I'm not hungry, and I'd rather get this stressful shi- stuff out of the way so I could finally relax." I said and she sighed, while both Trevor and I got up with Nonno, walking to his office.

Trevor's pov
I was pissed.

Fucking pissed.

I didn't even realize I was shooting glares at Evie until she pointed it out.

We both sat down at my fathers couch, Evie suddenly wincing while putting her hand on her stomach.

"You alright?"

"I may or may not was lying about the not hungry part." She muttered, and Nonno said down in his chair.

"Trevor, explain to me what happened...In english." He said, and I sighed.

"I planned on working with Erich as I'm trying to get into technology, but him being Evie's fucking sperm donor fucks everything up!"

"It doesn't fuck everything up. You work with me, and I'll stay out of your hair." She said, and I chuckled.

"Evie sweetheart, Erich planned on coming to Sicily in the next few weeks." Nonno said, and she exhaled.

"Oh..." She whispered, and immediately an idea popped into my head.

"She can stay with a close friend of mine."

"I'm not staying at a strangers house!" She exclaimed, and I groaned.

"I was talking about Leonardo, who isn't a stranger to you." I said, and she ran her hands through her curly auburn hair.

"If it's the only way that I can stay out of this while also being safe, then fine." She said, and stood up, holding her stomach.

"Actually Evie, can I talk to you by yourself?" I asked, and she looked me, before hesitantly nodding. I looked at Nonno, and he exhaled.

"Non fare niente, stupido giovanotto." Nonno said to me, and I scoffed, crossing my hands over my chest. {Translation:Don't do anything stupid, young man.}

Nonno got up, slowly walking to Evie. He whispered something into her ear, her mouth going up in a smile before giving me a small look and leaving, not bothering to close the door.

I walked up to the door, closing it, seeing Evie slightly jump.

I turned around, now seeing her walk quietly to the desk, leaning against it. She stared me down, and quickly a wave of sadness and nervousness struck me, coursing through my veins violently fast.

Evie's pov
"What?" I asked, leaning against Nonno's desk. I noticed he was in a slight trance, and my words seemed to pull him out of it. Trevor walked up to me, sighing.

"I'm sorry for sending that text and being an ass, It's just that..." He suddenly trailed off, and I realized it wasn't just about business.

Something else was up.

"What is going on?" I asked, and he didn't say anything. He looked at me for about thirty-ish seconds before blinking a few times.

"Nothing, I'm going to go call Leonardo, okay?" He said, and I looked at him confusingly before nodding slowly. He walked out, and I sat there confused.

What is wrong with him?

Trevor has a little secret...Do you know what it is? HE DOESN'T HAVE FEELINGS FOR EVIE, BEFORE YOU GROSS TWATS START TO THINK SOMETHING LMAO. Hope you all enjoyed thoo-Julia♥︎♥︎♥︎

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐃𝐘|(𝐄.𝐁 𝟏𝟖+)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora