Anger and Bliss.

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Please vote, comment, and read the a/n. Hope you all enjoy, even tho this chapter lowk fucking sucks. Sorry ab it, but this is the most I could do for now.

Erich's pov
"Trevor, It's nice to see you." I said and shook his head, sitting down at the table. He nodded, pulling out his phone.

"I'm so sorry about cancelling our meeting for last week..I had a personal problem." He said, and I nodded.

"You called me, Trevor, what do you want?"

"I've heard you're planning on expanding your company to another continent."

"That is true."

"So, I would like us to be business partners." Trevor said and pulled something out from his bag. It was a huge piece of paper, and he rolled it out.

"I already have everything covered. I found an extraordinary building which I built around two years ago. We can move some stuff into it, get some workers, and I guarantee you, that your net worth will skyrocket."

"I could give a shit about my net worth." I spat and looked at the building.

"How many people can it hold?"

"Around forty five hundred, It is around seven floors I believe."

"Where do you plan on getting these workers from?" I asked, attitude laced in my voice. Trevor chuckled.

"Some of your workers will travel here, and some of mine will move here as well, you have buildings In San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, Atlanta, Miami, and more." He said, and I sighed.

"I'll have to think about it, talk to my people and stuff." I said and he pulled out another paper.

"Here's a copy of what I just showed you." He said and gave it to me. I checked my phone, clicking Evie's contact.

"Where is this building, I would like to visit it." I said and he nodded.

"It's in Verona."

"I thought you lived in Sicily?"

"I do, but I wanted this building to be built in Verona. It's not finished yet though, I'll call when it is and you can take the first plane out to Verona." He said, and I smirked.

"I have my own Jet Trevor." I said and he shrugged.

"Does it look like I care? Just fly out when It's done." He answered and stood up.

"How about a drink?" I asked, and he looked at me, before chuckling.

"No thanks, Goodbye Erich." He said, but immediately I grabbed his shoulder.



"D-Do you by any chance have a sister or a cousin by the name of Evie?" I asked, and he sighed, running his hands through his hair.

"Nope, I have a sister named Cassidy though." He said, and Immediately I narrowed my eyes.

"Are you sure?" I asked, now my teeth together. He smiled.

"Goodbye Erich, oh and by the way, I want you to come to Italy next week, tell your private pilot or whatever bullshit you have to do to there." Is all he said, before exiting the room, leaving me by myself. I walked back to the paper, grabbing it and opening it.

It was perfect.

A huge building with a shit ton of workers so they could get work done.

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