Chapter 11: Festival of the Sea Emperor

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Serene, melodic notes floated through the throng of tailored suits and satin gowns, the babble of the festival goers mingling with the chords of the orchestra. Spiralling stone criss-crossed above their heads, pocked with ripe sapphire opals. Controlled water cascaded in rolling layers around the venue, arresting the illuminated flora dappled on the rocks. Streaks of natural blue and green burst through the waterfalls like auroral veins, rippling their shades and arriving in the silver pools below in a spray of foam and bubbles. Sturdy pearly trunks dug their roots into the circles of dirt about the slim waterways, sprouting umbrellas of white branches and vivid purple leaves. Many of the attendees took turns tying ribbons to them, attaching their well-wishes to the long-gone kings and queens of the sea.

Lyra pushed herself onto her tiptoes to tie the golden piece of silk Deema has presented her with to one of the lower arms of the tallest tree. Eyes bore into her. Material rustled and shoes clicked against the mosaic. The orchestra continued to play, but few were paying attention to them.

Her fingers curled around the ribbon, and she teased the looped ends through the knot. The crowd cheered and the Prime Oracle led her to the semi-circle of seats beneath the arched canopy of branches. Her friends awaited her in matching chairs of their own. The people of the metropolis approached one by one, offering them iridescent flowers and tokens in return for blessings from the oracles. They knelt with devotion and admiration, and Lyra listened closely to each one, thanking them for their presents and asking them questions about their professions and their lives.

"Many people are not accustomed to being asked about themselves," Deema explained, waving for the next citizen to approach.

"I'm sorry," Lyra said. "I hope I didn't offend anybody."

"Offend anybody? My dear, they appreciate you now more than they ever did." Deema rested her hand on the woman's arm to assure her she'd done nothing wrong.

A little girl tottered down the carpeted path, a trembling, amethyst-petalled flower gripped tight in her tiny fists. The bloom was almost as big as her head and rocked on its thin stalk. As she reached the chair occupied by the curious woman with their queen's soul in her heart, she shuffled her feet.

Lyra got up and parked herself down on the patchwork stones to chat to her. "Hello there, little one," she said, trying not to frighten her any more than she already was. "What's your name?"

"Tahla, Your Wonderfulness," the girl replied, jabbing the fair strands of her braided hair back into place.

"This is a beautiful flower, Tahla. Did you choose it yourself?"

The child nodded, a pinch of pride colouring her cheeks. "Mama let me pick it. She told me it had to be special."

"It is the loveliest flower I've ever seen. Thank you." Lyra accepted the gift and boosted herself back up onto her chair. "The Prime Oracle wishes to make me a magnificent crown with all the flowers I get tonight. Would you like me to ask her to put yours at the front?"

"You can do that?" Tahla's innocent eyes widened. She bounced on her little legs at the prospect of her present, the gift she and her mother had spent hours choosing, occupying pride of place on the special headdress.

Lyra made a show of handing Deema the bloom with care and delicacy. "Prime Oracle. May I request that you put this flower on the front of my crown?"

"As you wish," she replied, inspecting the petals and nodding in approval to the small girl. "It will look splendid."

The oracles ushered the child away to receive her blessing.

"I dare say you've just inspired her," Deema commented, gathering a bundle of flowers from the table between them and weaving the stalks together around a silver circlet.

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