"Take the next right!" The scent is finally becoming more substantial.

"She came here? You sure?" Stiles inquires while the three teenagers clammer up the hill to the burned down Hale House.

"Yeah, this is where the scent leads."

"All right, but has Lydia ever been here?" the spastic boy inquires the two teenagers.

The girl shakes her head, "Not with me. Maybe she came here on instinct- like she was looking for Derek?"

"You mean, looking for an Alpha."

"Wolves need a pack, right?"

"Not all of them..." trying to silently tell his friends that he doesn't need an alpha.

"But would she have been drawn to an Alpha? Is it an instinct to be part of a pack?" Allison questions, trying to figure out why Lydia would appear at the Hale House.

"Yeah, we're-we're stronger in packs." Thinking back to the explanation that Derek gave him when he first became a wolf.

"Like, strength in numbers?"

"No, like-like, literally stronger, faster... Better in every way."

"Is that the same for an Alpha?"

Scott nods to his girlfriend in confirmation, "That'll make Derek stronger, too."

"Whoa, hey! Look at this! You see this? I think it's a tripwire." Stiles walks over to the wire before crunching down and tugging on it.

"Stiles-" Scott's voice rings out.

"Yeah, buddy." Stiles raises from his crouching position to turn around, "...Oh." Stiles and Allison chuckle lightly when they turn around; Scott hangs by his feet from the tripwire.

"Next time you see a tripwire? Don't trip it."

Stiles nods his head, "Yeah, noted..." The duo standing on the ground walk over to Scott to attempt to help and get him down.

Footsteps crunching leaves catches Scott's attention "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Someone's coming! Hide!" The humans look around frantically, unsure of what to do.

The pair stand there like idiots causing Scott to whisper harshly, "Go!" the two-run behind the hill and a couple of trees.

Chris Argent walks up to the dangling boy, "Scott?"

Scott tries to wave nonchalantly before tiredly answering, "Mr. Argent..."

"How are you doing?" Argent smiles fakely while staring at the wolf.

"Good. You know, just hangin' out." Scott says, and his mind immediately flashes to Sara's face rolling her eyes before giving a slight snicker and nod of her head. "Is this one of yours? It's, uh, good. Nice design. Very constricting."

"You sound more and more like Sara. What are you doing out here, Scott?" Chris sighs in exasperation.

"Looking for my friend."

A dramatic nod, "Ahh... That's right. Lydia's in your group now, isn't she? Part of the clique? Is that the word you use? Or is there another way to put it? Part of your pack?"

"Actually, "clique" sounds about right to me." The wolf trying to be elusive as he can be and failing at it miserably.

"I hope so... 'Cause I know she's a friend of Allison's and one special circumstance such as yourself? One, I can handle. Not two."

"No." Shaking his head fervently, Scott agrees with the semi-decent hunter.

"Scott, do you know what a hemicorporectomy is?"

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