
Start from the beginning

"Hey, Grandma!" (Y/n) broke into a run and then kneel in front of her, offering her back. Or maybe Amane's, since she was in his body. She was currently a male, so might as well as show a little manners. Amane will definitely thank her for this. After all, this little old lady is raising him and his twin brother. (Y/n) knew how she always packs them really good lunches, for she had tasted the woman's cooking before. "Let me give you piggyback. If you want..."

"Oh, may I?" Even as she spok, she had happily lowered her weight her back. (Y/n) caught distinct whiff of a mysterious fragrance she smelled once at somebody else’s house a very long time ago. For a moment, She started getting a strange, warm feeling, as if this moment has happened before. The old lady weighted nothing. (Y/n) mentally thanked Amane's body for being able to lift things easily. For someone scrawny as him, he has a suprisingly large amount of strength.

Something she always wished that she could have.

"Amane....Tsukasa...." (Y/n) heard the old lady’s voice over her shoulder, sounding serene as they continued on with their small journey. "Are you familiar with musubi?"

"Musubi?" Tsukasa asked the question from beside (Y/n). he was hugging Amane's backpack to his stomach. Below them through the gaps between the trees, They could see the whole round lake. They have climbed pretty high. (Y/n) could feel Amane's body coming sweaty from climbing with his grandma on his back.

"In the old language, our local guardian deity is called Musubi. Creator of spirits. It's a word with several very profound meanings."

(Y/n) was facinated. There is a Guardian deity? The grandmother had sudden talked about it out of nowhere. For some reason, the old lady's voice reminded her of the narrator out of the Manga Japan Folktales program. It was oddly persuasive.

"Did you know?" She started again. "Joining threads is called Musubi... Joining people is also Musubi... The passage of time is Musubi too....They all use the same word. It's a name for our god, and the god's power. It describes the braided cords we make, divine acts, and the flow of time itself."

(Y/n) payed attention. She could hear the running water of a flowing stream nearby during the process. The grandmother continued.

"They converge and take shape. They twist, tangle, sometimes unravel, break, then connect again. Musubi is knotting. That's time."

(Y/n) started visualize a stream of clear water, without giving it much thought. It had been running up against rocks and splits, mingles with others, joins up again, and seen as a whole. Suddently it all made sense with her. It was all connected. She  really didn't understand what the elderly woman had said but (Y/n) felt like as if she had just learned something very important.

Musubi. She had to remember the word even if she wakes up back in her own body. Sweat drips off from her chin and fell to the ground, absorbed into the dry mountain.

"Here, drink up." The three had taken a short break in the shade. The twins' grandmother gave (Y/n) a thermos, containing sweetened barley tea. (Y/n) was impressed of how shockingly delicious it was from the moment the hot drink entered her mouth, next thing she knew, she had already drain two cups. This might have been the best drink, she  ever had. Far more better that the local beverages sold in cafes she always have.

"C'mon! Me too!" Tsukasa began pestering his older twin brother, feeling that he would drink up the entire tea without giving him any.

"That's another musubi." The eldery woman laughed.

"Huh?" As (Y/n) gave the thermos to Tsukasa,  she involuntarily look over at the older woman who was sitting at the base of a tree.

"Putting anything your body, whether it's water, rice, or sake, is also called musubi. Did you know that? What you put in your body binds to your soul, you see. And so, the offering we're making today is an important tradition meant to connect the god and humans to each other, a custom that the Yugi family has observed for centuries."

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