Chapter 9

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(Rimuru POV)

It has been several days since I lost my memories. In that time there are only two things I've figured out. First I was human. I'm not sure how I turned into this monster but I definitely at some point was human. Second I'm lost. I'm not supposed to be here. I don't have any clue as to where I'm supposed to be, but I know it isn't here. I also do have knowledge of things, mainly myself, all my skills, magic, the fact that I'm a slime, and such. Though it doesn't make much sense. If I have memories of being born in the dungeon as most monsters are how would I be lost. If I was born in the dungeon and don't have any gaps in my memory from in between now and then that would me I forgot something that comes before I was born. My conclusion reincarnation. That's really the only possible conclusion I could reach. Though one thing that is majorly off is that something is telling me this is far less advanced than society I'm used to. But this is Orario, it should be far more prosperous than any other city, country, kingdom, you name it. Not only does it have the strongest army in the form of familias, mainly Loki and Freya, but it also has the materials to support their growth in the dungeon and the blacksmithing familias. Not to mention they have connections all over the world from people wanting materials from the dungeon. So a country more prosperous than them, by all means, shouldn't exist. Yet my gut tells me that this is far less advanced than what I'm used to. At this point, I gave up. What do I have memories from the future now? Or am I an alien? I don't even remember what an alien is!

I let out a small sigh when I came to this brick wall. I should just enjoy it here, for now, Was my thought. And honestly, I have. Aside from everyone treating me like an exotic animal for having magic without a blessing, it's been fun in Orario. I've been adventuring with Sophia for the time being. She noticed my slight distress when first losing my memories, though I somehow convinced her I was just worried about her and her little freak-out. There's also this huge event tomorrow called the Monsterphilia where monster tamers tame monsters in front of a crowd. Oh and Sophia noticed yesterday that I didn't exactly have a place to stay. She facepalmed. After a few minutes of whispering to herself, she let out a long sigh. But, as she did her face froze, and then changed her facial expression once more into more of an 'oh yeah' as if she just remembered something.

"That's just one more reason to join the Loki Familia" she pointed out. And now that I thought about it she was right. After losing my memory I hadn't really thought much about joining the Loki Familia. But, after she pointed it out that was the main subject on my mind. However, choosing was surprisingly easy. Of course, I would join. I mean why wouldn't I? They had the most influence along with Freya Familia, and they were just offering me their hand. That amount of power could help me find the place I need to return to. Couldn't it? There's also what Sophia pointed about proper housing. Not to mention... Food. I don't know why, but I've had an extreme craving for good food. I learned pretty fast that the food from the eastern nations is my favorite. And this is the most powerful Familia we're talking about, of course, they would have good food. The only downside I can think of is the time taken up by the responsibilities of being a part of the strongest Familia. But I think the power and influence of the Familia cancel that point out. I can find information much easier, than if I was doing it alone without their backing and influence. So I would probably join the Familia. Oh, but does that mean I don't get to go adventuring with Sophia anymore? I don't exactly dislike the members of the Loki Familia, but It would be easier for me if I didn't have to get to know new people to go adventuring with. Hmm.

"Would you be fine with me still adventuring with you even if I go to Loki Familia," I decided to ask?

"...huh?" she turns towards me with a surprised expression. "...Um, sure. Do want you want." she said turning away from me. For a second I thought I saw a small smile on her face, but that was quickly replaced by a scowl. Hmm does she not want me to? I ask myself. She said do want you want but... does she really mean that? I question.

old ver. discontinued) is it wrong for slimes to be in dungeons Danmachi x TssdkWhere stories live. Discover now