Chapter 1

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A/N: I've written this so many DAMN TIMES I don't care if it's trash anymore. enjoy... or don't. I couldn't care less either way at this point.

Is it just me, or is everything here pretty weak?  Nothing has survived one shot from me! Not only that I am unable to eat them because all the monsters turn to dust after being defeated and I never have time to consume them with <gluttony> even if I lead with gluttony they just turn to dust before great sage has the chance to analyze them. Hey, great sage do you know why everything seems so weak.

<<Answer. When picking which floor to place you on, the dungeon didn't factor in the abilities you already possessed. >>

Oh. well that explains it


just as I think that a big fish rises from the water in an attempt to attack me.

"Water blade!" I yell as I launch the spinning blade of water at the fish.


The fish gets cut in half before turning to dust and a crystal falls from it.

Hmm? A drop Item? I move over to it and eat it with gluttony.

Woah. I suddenly feel really good. I become lighter and I feel power surge through my body.

Ku Kuku. Ku haha, Ku hahaha. I feel invincible! Nothing can stop me now!

NO! I can't get cocky just because I feel more powerful. That's always when I make the worst mistakes. For now, I'll have great sage analyze it.

<<Confirmed. Analyze magic crystal?


I think in my head YES and then.




<<Analysis complete

Magic crystal: The core of all monsters spawned from the dungeon. If destroyed monsters will automatically die. Can increase the strength of monsters when eaten. Can be used for many things such as starting a fire or a light source.>>

Hmm? seems pretty valuable, but wait a minute how come this is the first one I found if it is the core for all monsters.

<<Answer. Master has been destroying them with all his attacks.>>

... Oi. Don't make it sound like my fault, you didn't tell me!

<<Notice. you never asked>>

...I'll just pretend I didn't hear that. Yeah. hey, look there is a monster over there let's go kill it for magic stones.

One day has passed since I've been reincarnated again. Instead of eating the magical crystals, I decided it would be a better idea to store them and sell them for money later as there is no reason for me to get any stronger. If everything dies in one hit, what point is there to get any stronger, besides, I'll need money when I finally get to a city. These seem to be an effective way to make money.


I hear a large group of footsteps from behind me with magic sense. I quickly turn around to see a party of humans. No. At first glance, they all seemed to be humans but if I look closely I can see Some elves, dwarfs, and other demihumans. They are still a good way away and they don't seem to have noticed me.

I take note of the people in the front and back, if you only take physical strength into account A lot of them easily surpass me. The first person I took note of was A Beautiful female knight who seemed to be 14-16. She had golden hair and golden eyes, she had an aloof expression on her face and wore pretty light armor. Behind her were two people bickering. One was a girl of tan skin she had shorter hair that was black and messy. She was wearing very skimpy clothing despite being as flat as a cutting board and looked more of the age of 12-14. The person she was arguing with was a werewolf with grey white messy hair and damn was he ripped he had like an eight pack. He wore a jacket that was also grey and showed his eight pack and looked to be anywhere from 18- 22. seriously dude your how much older than this girl and you are arguing with her. There was another girl with tan skin who unlike the other girl had an excuse to wear skimpy clothing. She was big maybe a little smaller than Shion, but nothing to scoff at. Anyway, she seems to be 18-20 and she had longer hair than the other tan-skinned girl as well. There was a small boy that looked around 8-10 and had short blonde hair but despite his age looked to be the leader he seemed to be in deep focus about something though. There was also a typical dwarf with heavy armor and a massive shield. Not much about him stood out to me. And last but not least, an Elf. The elf who easily towered over everyone else seemed to be a mage as Elves tend to be, and had green hair tied into a ponytail. She had a refined look as you would expect from an elf and seemed to be anywhere from 25-30 but knowing elves she could be much older.

old ver. discontinued) is it wrong for slimes to be in dungeons Danmachi x TssdkWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu