Chapter 10

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(Rimuru POV)

Let's start when I first woke up. Yeah, that's right I finally found a place to sleep for the time being. Where? Well, Sophia invited me to her and Amatrasus place, albeit, very reluctantly and only until I meet up with Loki familia again.

So anyway, when I woke up I was greeted with the face of a hyperactive goddess looking down on me.

"Good morning." She smiles down at me.

"Ah, good morning" I respond back. Amaterasu had been observing me for a while now. She was waiting to use magic or something along those lines. Though there was never a situation where magic was necessary so, under the orders of Sophia, I ignored her whenever she asked for something along those lines. According to Sophia, "if I give her an inch she'll take a mile."

I got up from the couch I was laying on and turn my head to see Sophia. She was cooking. Apparently, Amaterasu would always burn whatever she tried to cook, so Sophia took over cooking while Amatarsu did other household chores.

"What's for breakfast," I asked getting off the couch.

"You'll see," She said responded, bored. I glance over to what's in the pan. Hmm. bacon and eggs. I note. After a few minutes, it was done and we began to eat.

About mid-way through Sophia asks something. "Hey. I need to skip the dungeon for today and check out the monsterphilia." she said "I'm going to have to bring this one" She says pointing at Amaterasu with her fork, acting like she was some kind of child. Well, not that I disagreed with that sentiment.

"She's asking if you want to come or not," Amaterasu said.

"Huh, when did I say that?" Sophia asked annoyed.

"You didn't, but knowing you, that's what you want, but you think asking her would be too embarrassing to ask yourself," she teased.

"Why you little," Sophia began her usual charade with Amaterasu, I learned to just tune them out. Hmm. that could be interesting.

"Sure," I shrug. I had nothing better to do. Besides I'd been in the dungeon for the majority of the past 6 days. It's good to take a break.

We finish up the food and I sit on the couch waiting for Amaterasu to finish up the dishes. What's that? I'm just a freeloader? I'm not sure what you're talking about.

Anyway, after she finished I had gotten on some of the clothes I got at the shop. (A/N: insert whichever one you prefer) I followed behind Amaterasu and Sophia who were walking towards a big arena-like area. Once we got there it looked like we still had a little bit of time before the monsterphilia began. Hmm, what should I do? We agreed to meet up here in about an hour. I began to just stroll around the place for a little while. It was a little before everyone began to go to the dungeon so the streets were fairly empty. Well that plus the fact that monsterphilia was today, fewer people probably wouldn't go to the dungeon so they could see monsterphilia.

Anyway, I began to walk around the city, I didn't have much to do so I started to wander. Well, I say that, but in reality, I was thinking. I needed to assess the situation more, it's fine to have my fun, but I would need to figure this out eventually. The reason I never really did this before now is... because... huh I'm not entirely sure. But whenever I'm in the dungeon I feel like a mental block is put on me. It prevents me from trying to sort these things in my head. Because I've spent most of my time in the dungeon I never really tried to sort things out. I had some time above ground where I figured out somethings, but whenever I start to think about it I find I have to go to the beginning to figure out more. However, the beginning to me would be in the dungeon preventing me from thinking too much about it. It's a catch 22.

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