Chapter 7

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(Time skip to later that night)

I walked out of the Hostess of fertility and was greeted by the cold night. I didn't have anywhere to sleep so I decided the best idea would be to go in the dungeon to hopefully get a bit stronger and get some useful abilities. I take some turns into alleyways to find a place where no one can see me and use <spacial movement> to teleport to where the waterfall was on the 25th floor. Damn, it's such a nice view, I think to myself. I began to grow wings out of my back and jump down the cliff. I feel myself slightly start to deform from the high pressure being exerted on me as I quickly approach the water at the bottom. I then stop my descent a few feet away from the water and fly towards the shore. As I slowly land my magic sense picks up a fast-moving object. I turn around and see a bird flying at me at insane speeds. A normal person would have a hole in their body before they even realize what had happened. Luckily for me, I wasn't a normal person I quickly grab my sword and cut it in half straight down the middle. The bird's two halves dart past me and into the sand of the shore behind me. I then notice a few more of the same monster begin to fly at me, just as easily as the first one I cut 3, 4, 5... 22, 23,24, 25. The bird's corpses littered the ground. I sheath my sword and began to walk away and enter the lower floors.

Whoo, I only ended up getting to floor 29 before having to return to meet Sophia. I probably could have gotten farther if I had the map for the said floors, but I didn't so I ended up following people's footsteps and that took much longer as there were times where I had to backtrack and such. Jeez, what a pain, I think to myself. Sophia after finding out I was only in Orario for a few days was going to show me around Orario or something along those lines. I didn't end up getting any skills especially strong as most of the monsters turned to dust when being defeated turned to dust as soon as I defeated them. And even when the first thing I did was consume them with <gluttony> they turned into dust before great sage could even analyze them. What a pain!

Before getting ready to shadow jump again I get a good feel for the area so I can come back down here and continue where I left off. I think of a good spot to appear from so that people won't be suspicious and I chose the place I jumped from. I jump into my shadow and use <shadow motion> I peak out to make sure that no one is there and appear in the area I jumped from the only thing there was an abandoned church. I walk out of the alleyway it's still early morning.

Hmm? What is that? I turn and see a boy. My eyes widen as I see his condition he's covered from head to toe with scars. they're all recent too he is covered in blood. Wait it's that boy from back then. I remember he's the boy who ran out of the hostess of fertility the one the female knight, Ais was looking at. I approach the boy.  

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask concerned. He looks up. Our eyes meet. He looks really tired. Did he stay in the dungeon all night? Was it because of what that guy said? Questions like this begin to surface in my head.

"Yeah... I'm... fine..." he says, but he begins to fall forward. I catch him. He's fallen unconscious. I pick him up bridal style and as I do a small girl with pigtails and a skimpy outfit comes out of the abandoned church with a concerned face. She then turns towards me and sees the boy in my arms. Her face turns pale instantly and she runs towards me with tears in her eyes.

Once she reaches me she yells. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO BELL!"

Oi. don't blame me for something I didn't do. I wanted to say, but now wasn't the time for that. I slowly lower him to the ground in front of her.

"I found him like this. Although I saw him enter the dungeon late last night it's likely he was there the entire time." I saw trying to calm her down. I take a potion out of my stomach and attempt to apply it to bell, but the girl steps in my way.

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