Chapter 1

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The first few chapters of the rewrite will be very similar to the way they were before. Sorry about the wait😅

September 1st- 2016

"Paige you need to get up! You'll be late to school!" Steve called to the teen from outside the bedroom door. Peter winced at the name knowing he couldn't be mad, his Pops simply didn't know... which of course didn't make the sound of the deadname be any easier to hear.

"I'm coming!" Peter responded as he layered his sports bras on top of each other- it took 3 just for his chest to look remotely flat. He hated that it didn't do the job completly and still was uncomfortable and hurt like a bith after being on for more than 3 hours- which they always were because school lasts 8 hours.

He threw on a T-Shirt and large hoodie over his layed sports bras and grabbed his backpack off the bed next to him. At that he exited the large feminine-decorated room to see his Pops standing outside of it.

"You ready to go?" Steve asked the teen. Peter nodded then moved past his Pops to the garage hearing him say to his dad; "Alright I'll take her to school and come back afterward to clean up."

Peter knew his dad's day was going to be filled with meetings and he wouldn't be home when Peter got back from school; and neither would his Pops. Peter exited the mansion and entered the garage, getting into the car waiting for his Pops to get in as well. After a moment or two Steve appeared from the garage door and entered the car. The soilder started the car and then the two took off for midtown high. Both silent as Steve drove.


Peter went to his locker to grab his books the numerous teens around him chatted amongst themselves. Peter felt something on his shoulder and was about to look back but quicly realized it was Ned.

"Join me and together we'll build my new Lego Deathstar." Ned said making his voice deeper as he spoke.

"What?!" Peter exclaimed in excitement.

"Ugh so lame." A girl next to the two mocked causing Peter to lower his voice.

"No way, that's awesome! how many pieces?" Peter whispered in excitemnent.

"3,803." Ned answered flatly.

"That's insane!" Peter's excitment filling his voice as he finsished grabbing his books.

"I know!" Ned croaked, "Do you wanna uh, build it tonight?"

Peter closed his locker and the two started walking down the hall, "I can't tonight I'm still grounded after last time I went to your house and stayed out past curfew." The two kept making their way down the hall together, they both had the same class for first period.

"Dang Paige, how long did Tony ground you for?" Ned questioned.

Peter looked at the ground at the sound of that name, hoping Ned wouldn't notice his slight sigh. "Two weeks, meaning I get ungrounded on friday." The teen responded to Ned's question.

"Right well... maybe your dads will let me come over to your house?" Ned asked but Peter heard none of it, he just nodded while his attention was focused on something else. His thoughts went back to a year ago when he first wanted to try binding, he sorta did with ace bandages. He wanted to go talk to his pops about how the binding as a way to come out to him, but before he could he managed to get in trouble for getting into the ace bandages. As it turned out his dad needed them for hurting his wrist/hand while working on the Iron Man suit- Yeah that ended in a lecture of not messing with the first aid stuff unless absolutely necessary and if necessary to use it then to tell either him or his dad about it. Oh and as well as not coming

"Paige?" Ned waved to Peter trying to get his attentio; pulling him out of his running thoughts.

"Sorry." Peter muttered to his friend. The two then entered their first period class.

-After school: 3:15pm-

After the majority of students had left the buiding Peter went into the boy's bathroom to use the bathroom, and fix his long hair by putting it up with bobby pins and a beanie on top of the mess. He then used the bathroom and looked into the miror. The reflection showing a slight resemlence of what Peter wanted to look like. There were still small mounds on his chest that were fairly noticable, and his voice still sounded like a girls' but putting his hair up slightly helped the feminine features.

After all of that he exitted the school, running accross the street to place he'd usually go after school if his dads were busy. It was a large, ruin of a building. It was never fixed or rebuilt after the attack on New York. It was a perfect hideout for the man out of time; Bucky Barnes.

Now I'm sure you're wondering why Bucky is hidng out in an abondoned ruin of a building and well... that'd be because no one except Peter and Hydra knows he's alive and yknow- not 90-

"Hey Mr. Barnes!" Peter greeted the older man.

"Hey kid, I'm in the back!" Bucky called out the the boy. Peter hurried to the back of the ruin where Bucky looked to be putting together a bed.

"Ooo that looks comfy." Peter commented looking at the matress that was laying in the ground.

Bucky stood up from kneeling on the ground putting the frame together, "Yeah it is, finally no more sleeping on the floor." Bucky smiled. "How was school today Pete?"

Bucky was one of the only people Peter was out to; him and his school counselor. The counselor found him exiting the boys' bathroom after school the year before thus causing Peter to come out.

"Eh it was alright, Harry wasn't there today though." Peter explained.

"Isn't he still on that cruise with his dad?" Bucky asked as he picked up the mattress for the bed.

"Yeah he gets back next week." A smile grew apon his face as he thought about his boyfriend. He still wasn't out to him though. Peter somehow convinced himself that if/when he did that Harry would leave him immediately. He doesn't know how or why he did since Harry is bi and had shown nothing but love towards him, even when he started to dress more masculine around him.

"Good, maybe it's about time you tell him, you two have been dating for almost a year now." Bucky states and throws the mattress onto the bed frame then walks over to Peter, "If you're ready of course."

Peter plants his foot to the ground and draws lines in the dirt with his foot as he studies the dirty floor. "I think I am... but I'm just really nervous."

Bucky placed his hands on the boy's shoulders, "There's never going to be a time you're not nervous Peter, and if it helps, do it in front of the school and if it goes bad run right over here okay?"

Bucky hadn't gotten as close to other people as he'd gotten to Peter ever since what happened with Hydra. Peter was different though, Peter was this smart, loving, kind kid that just needed someone to talk to about his transition. Bucky was that person to him.

Peter looked up at the soilder with a smile, "Thanks Mr. Barnes."

Bucky let out a sigh, and walked back to the bed, "How many times do i gotta tell you? It's Bucky." He laughed, "Mr. Barnes make me sound like an old man."

"Aren't you though?" Peter joked.

"Ouch!" Bucky pretended to be offended; acting very dramatic about it to as he raised his hand to his chest acting like his heart ached at the statement.

Peter just laughed at the dramatic motion and tone. "Sorry." Peter shrugged not really meaning it.

"Uh-Huh sure you are." Bucky joked.

Peter's phone then buzzed in his pocket. He took it out to look at the notification it was a text from his pops:

"Paige where are you?? I came home a bit early and you aren't here!"

Peter sighed at the text, "Shit Pops is home early, I better go, see you tomorrow Bucky!"

"Bye kid." Bucky waved and Peter walked off to head home.

"It's Peter. Peter Stark." || a Trans Peter Parker ficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt