Chapter 11: Beginning again

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A/N: I do read the comments on books. I like to know what people think, how they react ect.

Going through the comments for Chapter 10: Half way to forever, I have concluded that I haven't been clear enough with my time skips. In the first chapter they were in February, the Showcase ended in on the 3rd Saturday of April, and then Chapter 10 sped through several months, resuming a more detailed narrative in August. Therefore we are now 18 months after the end of the end of the YuGiOh Zexal anime. I just thought I would make it clear going because I don't sign post my time skips the same way as other wattpadders, because I think it slows the narrative and breaks immersion.

Any way, enjoy, and comment if you have worked out what my chapter titling convention is yet, because there is one.


Yuma stared in denial at the glowing figure floating a couple of inches off of the floor in front of him. No, Yuma thought, he's not here. He's not real? But he knew that it was Astral floating in front of him. As that sunk in Yuma's face turned from shocked to angry.

"Stay away from me." Yuma hissed jumping over the back of the sofa and backing up several steps to create some distance between him and his extra dimensional other half. 

"Yuma, it's me." Astral said confused by Yuma's reaction, gliding towards the sofa that separated them.

"I know it's you!" Yuma shouted, causing Astral to freeze, "And I don't want you to be here. So go home Astral." Yuma could feel his old emotional scars throbbing.

"I thought you'd be happy to see me." Astral stated alarmed by Yuma's reaction to his appearance.

"Well I'm not." Yuma snapped. Astral actually flinched, despite being an intangible being in the human world. Yuma's words had struck him as if they had been a whip.

"Yuma." Astral breathed uncertain what to say. Yuma did though.

"18 months!" Yuma yelled, "18 fucking months, and all you can say is 'Hello'? Hello! As if you've only been gone for a day! And it's not like you tried to contact me or visit in all that time either! Why are you even here anyway?"

"The Astral sages are predicting the rise of a great evil." Astral answered, not sure how to respond to the rest of Yuma's outburst, "To prevent it, I've been sent to stop the rise of the 8th Barian Emperor. I need your help."

"Of course," Yuma laughed bitterly, "you need my help. Danger's coming! You don't think I don't know that! I've been having weird dreams for months, Rio started having visons last month on top of that! Believe me, we know! We don't need you!"

Shark appeared then in the door way, breathless, clearly having run the length of the corridor on the other side.

"Yuma, I heard you shouting, are you...." Shark began, trailing off when he saw the Astral key hanging around Yuma's neck, then following Yuma's hard gaze to Astral, floating in front of his TV, "You." came Shark's angry growl at this sight as he moved into the room to stand beside Yuma.

Astral felt uncomfortable from the clearly bitterly angry glares of both Shark and Yuma. He considered them both friends, and just couldn't understand why they were reacting so badly to his return. He'd been happy at the thought of seeing Yuma again, and Shark and all the others for that matter. 

"Why are you both so angry at me?" Astral finally asked, needing to know if he could fix things.

"Don't you know the pain you put Yuma through?" Shark hissed his question, his good day spoiled, "For a whole year Yuma was depressed. It took me and Vector to get him to leave his room. The others didn't dare try. You broke Yuma so much he wanted to kill himself! Of course we're angry. And if you ask me, Yuma has every right to be angry with you."

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