Chapter 8: How deep is your love?

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Yuma was up early the following morning. He was alive with nerves and excitement. He'd been extra thorough when washing his face and teeth. Taken extra care when styling his hair, which had caused Kari to complain that he was taking too long in the bathroom.

"About time." Kari said as Yuma emerged. She was still in her pyjamas, her hair a tangled mess, "I know you have a being Showcase later, but you can make yourself pretty in the changing rooms at school, instead of holding things up here."

"I was hardly in their 30 minutes," Yuma snarked back, "you'll most likely be in their for two hours before going downstairs." 

Yuma ran to his room as Kari took one of her slippers off and throwing it at her younger brother. He ducked causing it to miss and hit his bedroom door.

"Yuma." Kari had growled.

"What?" Yuma giggled, a playful glint in his scarlet eyes, "We both know I'm right." Yuma ducked under his sister's second slipper, and stepped into his bedroom, sticking his tongue out at her as he closed the door behind himself.

"Yuma," he heard Kari's voice, "you are such a child."

"I am 15." Yuma pointed out sticking his head back into the corridor, "I still get to act a little childish." Kari looked like she was about to explode. Yuma decided he'd toyed with his sister enough, so focused instead on picking out his clothes.

It took him a while, but he finally settled on a long sleeved lavender and blue marble patterned, collared t-shirt, dark blue jeans, his red and whited sleeveless hoodie, and black trainers, which he placed by the front door. Wear shoes inside his house wasn't allowed. It was 9 o'clock when he joined his parents and Grandma at the breakfast table, choosing to have toast so he didn't spill milk down himself. Yuma was practically bouncing in his seat.

"Someone's got a lot of energy." Mira observed, "Nervous for this evening?"

"A little." Yuma answered with a huge smile, checking the time on his duel gazer.

"I heard your sister shouting up stairs," Haru said to her grandson, "you weren't teasing her were you?"

"She started it." Yuma said, knowing he sounded like a child. Kazuma laughed.

"Oh I did, did I?" Kari asked as she joined her family at the table, sitting next to her brother.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have rushed me." Yuma said smirking.

"Right." Kari growled, standing up and moving to get Yuma in a head lock. Yuma saw this coming and jumped up from the table and dodged under his sister's arm, running into living room. Kari followed after him as the adults laughed at the childish display.

"I thought you were the grown up." Yuma teased his sister, dancing under her arms and around the sofa.

"Come here you annoying mouse." Kari ordered.

"Why?" Yuma asked, glancing at the clock behind his sister, "So you can get me in a headlock and drive your knuckles into my head? No thank you."

Kari dived over the sofa at Yuma who moved out of the way too fast for her. She landed on her front on the floor. Yuma wasn't far enough from her to escape the hand that tripped him up and he too fell to the floor, but he did roll out of the way easily was she moved to get him in the feared headlock.

"Ok you two, that's enough." Kazuma said from the kitchen table, still chuckling. Kari sat up, crossing her legs pouting, while Yuma checked the time on his duel gazer, since the front room clock was obscured by the back of the sofa, from his position on the floor. He had 15 minutes.

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