Chapter 12: Fallen angel

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A/N: I will be changing on card's status from the anime. Just thought I'd pre warn you. Hope you enjoy.


Shark was woken in the morning by a peeping noise coming from his jeans pocket, that was accompanied by a buzzing.

"Turn it off." Yuma mumbled his sleepy complaint, also disturbed by the noise. Shark chuckled at Yuma, remembering that they'd fallen asleep together. He kissed Yuma's hair.

"I have to answer this." Shark said, checking the caller Id, it was Duman, "You sleep a little longer. I'll wake you if it is important. Hi Duman, I take it you've found what we are looking for."

"Yes." came Duman's response, unheard by Yuma, "You're hunch was right."

Shark glanced at Yuma. He'd so hoped he was wrong.

"Ok," Shark said, "meet us by the big fountain in the park."

An hour later, a tired Yuma was walking hand in hand with a worried looking Shark, confused as to why Shark had insisted on holding the Astral Key when they saw Duman. They both had to wear rain coats, since it was raining heavily. Shark had had to borrow one of Yuma's dad's rain coats, which was baggy on him.

"Astral can't find out yet." Had been Shark's reply. Once everything was said and done however, Shark was going to let Yuma tell Astral and the others if he saw fit. Duman was sat on the large fountains base, also wearing a raincoat, with an umbrella. Rio was stood there too. She looked sad and stressed. Each Barian was looking at Yuma.

"Ok, what's going on?" Yuma asked, noticing that Duman had a small book in his hands.

"We think we've figured out who the 8th Barian is." Duman said, "Ironically thanks to Astral. I am assuming he is looking to find them before we do."

"Yeah, he wants to stop them rising." Yuma confirmed.

"For now, it appears that Astral has partially failed." Duman said, handing the small book to Shark, who opened it on a page that Duman had marked. Shark looked at Yuma with an empathetic look in his blue eyes. He decided he had to be the one to tell him.

"Yuma you're the 8th Barian." Shark said. Shark watched the denial flash in Yuma's eyes.

"No I'm not." Yuma half laughed, "I can't be. What makes you think that I could be?"

"Well, you've done some inexplicable things." Duman answered mournfully, "Such, move as fast as a Barian and injure Vector. Only a Barian, in full form or human form, or an Astral world being can do that."

"Then there's the reason you duelled us." Rio pointed out, "During the dimension war. Those of us you duelled you were duelling to save. Astral was duelling to end us, you weren't. That shows an innate loyalty, which only Barians have to other Barians. You never saw us as the enemy."

"But you would know if there were 8 Barian Emperor." Yuma argued. Shark understood Yuma's reluctance. He'd been exactly the same.

"We think Don Thousand changed our memories to forget about the 8th Emperor." Rio said before Shark could.

"Its not like he has shown a reluctance to mess with memory," Duman agreed with a frown, "but we can't be sure. Only you can provide the answers to that." Yuma was shaking his head. Shark knew Yuma needed more concrete proof. He'd needed it after all. 

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