Chapter 15: Memories (part 2)

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A/N: As to the responses to the replies to the discord server. I will link it, once set up, to all of my published works. Might take some time as I am going to have to get my little sis to help me set it up.


DISCLAIMER: chapter contains descriptions of graphic violence, death, and other adult themes. Read at your own risk.

Enjoy ;)


Yuma allowed the memory to guide him down the hallways. He wasn't scared of what he was walking into. After all he was doing something he would do for Shark in present. Besides this was the past, so he wasn't breaking his promise, especially since he had no control over what was happening. His only thought was, I must buy Rio as much time as possible. He was flipping Vector's dagger into a reverse grip and then back to a forward grip repeatedly in anticipation, not fear, of what he knew was coming.

As Yuma approached the familiar circular cavern, lit with those strange blue, green gems, its circular floor encircled by a its moat, joined to the entrance, in which Yuma stood, by the slim walkway, he saw the Vector of this time, stood facing the entrance. By the mad grin, and the insane glimmer in his purple eyes, he'd been waiting for his pursuer.

Yuma walked half way across the walk way and stopped. Neither person tore their gazes from the other as Yuma drew his bronze sword, which had already claimed the lives of six people, gleamed, thirsty for new blood. Yuma didn't raise the sword to guard however. He just held it in front of himself, pointing down, still flipping the dagger impatiently.

"What are you planning to do with that sword?" Vector sneered. Yuma began his response by digging the tip of his sword into the sandy dirty, that covered floor and drew a line in front of himself, glaring at Vector with Phantom's loyalty and anger.

"While there is breath in my body," Yuma spoke Phantom's words with the calm fearlessness of a veteran solider, "you will not pass this line."

"What you're not going to ask me to surrender?" Vector cackled trying to unbalance Yuma's emotions. It was not working, and two could play that game.

"No." Yuma said with controlled anger, "You had your spies kidnap my Emperor's sister so you could sacrifice her, then ordered six honourable men to their deaths. The pain you have caused, is unforgivable. As are your crimes. For that I can only hope your death is slow."

"I hope you have the skills to back that threat up," Vector purred madly, "its been a while since I had a descent challenge, good looking."

Those words did more to upset Yuma's emotions than any before, causing him to make the first move. Yuma ran across his line, sword held pointing straight at Vector's bear chest. Vector, drawing his own sword, blocked it with ease, with an infuriating smirk plastered on his face. Yuma swung his sword in a wide arch, calming instantly after his miss, falling into his rhythm. Vector parried, keeping perfect pace with Yuma, and they being attacking and counterattacking. Dancing a deadly dance to sound of metal on metal. More then once Yuma made stabbing motions with the dagger he had taken from Vector. Vector side stepped each stab by millimetres, cackling as he used the greater flexibility afforded him by not wearing armour, like the hoplite style armour Yuma wore which restricted Yuma's movement severely.

 Yuma kept himself between Vector and the entrance further limiting his options in this fight, and he knew it, as he tried to tune out the mad King's cackles, jumping, aiming to drive his sword point into Vector's eye socket. He missed as Vector spun backwards out of the way, and across the floor, creating a gap between them, both combatants panting with the efforts of their opening salvo. Yuma suspected, due to the weight of his armour, that he most likely was more worn out from the opening attack then Vector was. Both remained unscratched.

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