Chapter 14: Memories (part 1)

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A/N: I would like to once again thank those who are reading this fan fiction, I am loving reading your reactions and feedback. You guys are amazing. Truly.

I was really nervous writing this chapter due to the overwhelmingly good reactions to Chapter 13. It was truly inspiring. Thank you.

I split this chapter in parts wanting to do it justice.


Me and my cat pillow have worked really hard on this chapter. I hope it pays off.

Wondering if you guys would join a discord if I started one?

Enjoy. I love all you guys. 


Shark texted Yuma at about midnight, informing him to come to his door. Vector and Rio were waiting with him. Yuma was at the door in seconds, as if he had been waiting there, or nearby. Yuma looked confused when he didn't see a car.

"How are we getting to the mountains?" Yuma asked, "You didn't bring a car."

"Firstly, we are too young to drive Yuma." Shark laughed affectionately caressing Yuma's face, "Besides, Barians have a much faster means of travel remember."

Yuma recalled that Shark had told him how the Barians travelled long distances and between dimensions. It looked like teleporting but it wasn't. The Barians built an overlay network between two locations and stepped in one side and came out the other. It wasn't instantaneous travel, but it was faster then anything available to ordinary people. Yuma nodded to show Shark he recalled the information.

"We just need a rough location." Rio prompted, "Do you have any of your dad's maps?"

Yuma rushed inside. The three Barians followed. Yuma ran into his dad's study, and found a copy his dad had luckily made of the are he was exploring. He took it and handed it to Shark.

"Wow. That's a really rocky area." Vector said peeking at the map over Shark's shoulder.

"You don't say, ginger bread." Shark stated sarcastically, rolling his eyes as Vector backed up, but Shark was privately thinking Vector did have a point. The terrain made it difficult for them to arrive as a group, near the ruins. At best they would have half a days climb which complicated things. They didn't want to get caught by the expedition, and being at the ruins in daylight was risky at best. Kazuma and Mira were still verbal about their support of Astral world. That could make things problematic.

"We could split into two pairs." Rio suggested looking at the map and seeing the issue.

"No." Shark said, "I'm not leaving you or Yuma alone with Vector."

"Oh come one," Vector moaned, "I'm not going to try anything."

"I want to keep an eye on you." Shark spat.

"Then you pair with me, send Yuma with Rio." Vector suggested. Shark looked thoughtfully at Vector.

"You aren't considering it!" Rio shouted, "We are better sticking together."

"But the best way to go undetected is to split up and meet up at the entrance." Shark said, "And we really don't want to be found."

30 minutes later, after much shouting, Rio had finally agreed to Vector's plan, but not before threatening him.  They had walked to the river front, to avoid risky the possibility Astral could sense the overlay portals, and with a 'see you later' kiss with Yuma, Vector and Shark portalled away. That left a nervous Yuma with Rio.

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