They did see it on the news that the town had been cut off from everywhere with the storm. Smiled at her. "We should catch up with the others. They are at the lake." She informs me. We are arm in arm walking down towards the lake which is not far from the street we live on.


Sitting at the lake with all our friends having fun talking about how college is. Could see a few new ones hanging with us. I had no idea who they are. But one girl looks at me with a smile showing me her thangs. Blink my eyes not sure if what I had just seen is real. Don't know what to think. Look away from her but my friends wave to the group she is sitting with.

Could what sapphire told me, be really true? Stood to walk down to the lake to skim stones. The girl who smiled steps beside me. Glanced to my right she tilts her head. "You are Olivia?" Is she asking or telling me? "Yes, I am." Respond to her. "You are well known in our world. What you did for Mikail and his pack is amazing. Just remember if you ever need help my clan will gladly help." My mind is playing games. "I'm Myrina the head vampire of my clan." Smiled and looked over to the group she had been sitting with.

Could my life become anymore insanely? I can't answer that. She walks back to her group. I stood to stare out over the lake. What had Mikail got me into? "That is it. I'm done." I shout and walk into the lake. I could not take any more with what my life had endured.

My body is craving for the one guy who I couldn't be with. Yes, I ache for his gentle touch for his scent for his warmth. Vanda joins me. We have our clothes on in the lake enjoying ourselves. Rested my head back in the water look up at the blue sky. The sun is smouldering for this time of year. Which beats the snow. Look to the shore to see our group cheering us on.

Laughed so hard almost choked on the water. We swim back to shore to sit with our friends drying ourselves in the sun. A while later we walked back to our street taking a slow stroll towards our houses.

Looked at the floor. "Olivia, what happened to you?" Shrug my shoulders no idea what Vanda means. "You changed. It could be that you are not a virgin and you have actually slept with a guy?" Shake my head. "What was he like?" Smiled, stopped walking to look at her. "He is every girl's dream guy. Built with muscle but gentle. Sexy, good-looking and." I had to stop myself from saying too much.

Her smile grows. "It sounds like you have fallen for him? Does he feel the same about you?" Look around me before answering her. "He wanted me to be with him when I finish college. We ended four weeks ago." She wraps her arm around mine. "I'm sorry to hear that." We walk towards the house. She lets my arm go to walk to hers which is right next door. "Catch you later." Nod and enter the house.


Helping my mother with the dinner dishes my father sits at the table watching me. "Dad, why are you watching me?" He clasps his hands on the table sits straight. Oh, boy he wants the talk. "Olivia, come and sit with me." Placed the plate in the cupboard. My mother takes the tea-towel from me.

Sit at the table with my father. "Who is he?" Looked at my father with a baffled expression. "Come on. I wasn't born yesterday." Take a deep breath. "He's no one. We ended it four weeks ago." He nods. "I see. Did he hurt you?" Smiled. "No, it's the opposite. He asked me to be with him when I finished college." My father sits back folds his arms.

My mother sits with us. "You got scared when he asked you?" "No, It's complicated." My mother laughs. "Come on baby tell us. We will not judge you in any way. We are here to support you. We love you." My mother says. My father smiles and holds my mother's hand.

Stand to look at them. "I wish I can say but you would think I'm insane." They both shake their heads. "Try us." My father says. "He's not real. He's a fantasy. He's in my head. It's a guy I made up and dreamed about." They nod smiling at me. "So, you have an imaginary friend. Who you think is a dream that you made up?" Looked down at my hands with a nod.

My father laughs and my mother slaps him. "Ned. Stop teasing." My mother stands to take my hands. "Your father should know better than to laugh. Olivia, sweetie." She pauses looks at my father and back at me. "This world is filled with things we can't explain or even believe. Take your grandmother Hill. She had a gift to see things before they happened. And what about grannie Piper who's got the ability to see ghosts." My mother had a point.

My father stands to step towards me. "Trying to understand is making it feel complicated. Do you remember when you were younger, and you told us about the little girl who would visit you?" Looked up into my father's eyes. "When she left you got upset. But we told you the truth." Smiled at my father for what he is saying.

This is what makes my life so, complicated. I can't separate my mind from fantasy or from what I know is real. "She was a little ghost girl." That is what they said to me, but I think she was an imaginary friend. "Olivia, there are things we can't explain and are strange. You are still our little girl." They cuddle me.

Stepped outta the kitchen to make my way outside to meet Vanda. We are returning to the lake for a party. Just want to have a few drinks. Trying my hardest to get Mikail outta my mind but it's not working. Smiled and thought about the rest of my college year. Can't wait for it to be over.





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