Chapter 22

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-Your POV-

My palms became sticky as they clutched the cell phone,

"O-Okay Light, make sure to bring the notebook." I hung up.

I really do hope this works, if not, I'm done for. Light would kill me, and order Rem to kill Lawliet. The birds flutter around outside, there was absolutely no sound at all. I took a few deep breaths, he should be here any minute now

Light walked in, closed the door, and pulled out the notebook. 

"Are you ready, darling?" His voice softly said, coming closer to me.

This is it. I nodded, and he handed the notebook to me, as well as a pen, filled with warmth.

His manic laugh returned, "We will rule this world! Now, write his name in!"

My fingers holding the pen were shaking, I place an L on the page.

"Come on Y/N! Hurry up!" His laugh became even more psychopathic as I wrote down each letter.

The last letter falls onto the page, I did it. My heart thumped, trying to grasp the thought of what I've just done. I handed the notebook back to him, closed.

-Light's POV-

I've won! Asuki, Y/N, thank you. I quickly turn the pages to find the one with L's real name on it.

My life flashed before my eyes, 'Light Yagami', my name was right there, in the Death Note. My breathing goes faster and faster, I go to grab her-!


The pressure overloaded my chest, I ached in agony. I clutched my chest, begging for this to stop. My eyesight goes all over the place, but it focuses on her. How was I fooled this easily?! Damn it Y/N! 


-Your POV-

I did it. Light fell to the ground, now dead. I couldn't stop shaking, I'm a murderer. My body tightened, and I looked at Light Yagami in despair. I fell to the ground.

Lawliet came in, and comes to hug me.

"You were very brave Y/N."

 He carries me out of the room, and into task force headquarters.

"Stop!" I shouted at him.

"What's wrong?" His sparkling eyes looked down at me.

"I can't face Mr. Yagami!"

He'll kill me for killing his son! I think of Light falling to his death, over and over. Lawliet strokes my hair, and opens the door.

"Where have you two been?" Matsuda asks.

Lawliet places me to lie down on a couch, and he sits in his usual position beside me, and opens his mouth.

"Mr. Yagami. Your son is dead." I look towards him, his facial expression dropped. 

"B-But how?!" He screamed.

"We had to do it." 

Mr. Yagami looked at Lawliet, then me, then Lawliet again, and once again, me. 

"You killed my son Asuki?!!

I didn't even react, I was too numb.

"Please understand, your son was Kira. He was attempting to kill me, by using Asuki."

He looked around the room in shock,

"My son...was a mass murderer." And with that, he exited headquarters. 

Deduction (Death note L X Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin