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There's no way in hell I'm taking a bus on Friday morning. I don't want to be sweaty and disgusting. If i walk it'll be tiring but at least I'm not going to smell like sweat. 

yeah I'll just walk

My phone rang and saw my mom's caller I.D. I groaned, why is she being so pushy

She called me the other night and told me out of the blue that she arranged me in a blind date. Seriously? She knows I don't go on dates and how much i hated the idea of dating. 

" what " i sigh answering the call

" I don't think that's how you greet your mother mi young " she replies in a serious voice

" mom, what is it? " i said ignoring what she said

" The guy you'll be meeting tomorrow is 20 years old and he's in college. ALSO - it's gonna be a double date " she stated and i groaned " oh come on. Are you really going to waste your teenage life by riding your stupid motorcycle? "

" also - selena mentioned that you and su ho are still not talking. Instead of doing nothing there, make up with su ho - if you do then I'll stop arranging you to blind dates "

its so early for this aish

" mom, how many times do I have to tell you that su ho and I were just friends. Can you stop pushing me to date him its disgusting " i huffed 

" then date seo jun--- if you don't want su ho " she pushes and i whined stomping my feet in annoyance

" ew " i complain " why would I? Why would you want your daughter to date someone who nags at her all the time? ugh "

" it's your call then, attend the blind date tomorrow. If you say no- I'm selling your motorcycle " she says then hanged up

" aish - why is she annoying me with this " i mutter in annoyance then huffed shoving my phone into the pocket of my uniform blazer

Ever since middle school, my mom got TOO happy that I finally got friends aside from Se Yeon and would always treat them. Before she used to nag me for not having girl friends but ever since Su ho and Seo jun arrived she started nagging me to date one of them. 

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