Chapter 53: Duel of Fates

Start from the beginning

Naruto took a deep breath, feeling the invisible water molecules in the air, and formed seven hand seals in just a second before exhaling. "Water Style: Dual Water Dragons!" Two large dragons made of water came from the air on either side of Naruto and rushed forward, meeting Obito's fire jutsu and crashing into it, causing steam to cover the area. 

Naruto jumped in the air, a truthseeking orb passing underneath him. He looked through the mist, his Sharingan blazing, and saw Madara's Rinnegan eyes meeting his, a smirk plastered on the man's face. 

"You will die here." Madara mouthed before the five truthseeking orbs behind him shot forward. Naruto cursed and quickly formed his Susanoo and unsheathed the chakra sword at his hip, attempting to swipe the orbs out of the air but he was too slow. 

The truthseeking orbs crashed into his Susanoo, cracking the armor and skeleton of his armor, Naruto's eyes widened as blood spurted from his mouth, his Susanoo disappearing and him falling to the ground, tumbling unceremoniously.

"You are the last obstacle in my path, Naruto Namikaze." Madara spoke aloud. "I will savor the smell your blood will bring to my nose, no doubt it not being a smell many have embraced." 

". . ." Obito stood silently next to Madara, gazing at Naruto like a pitiful subject. Madara saw Obito's gaze.

"You can speak to him if you'd like." His deep voice rumbled gently. Obito glanced at Madara and took a step forward, only to stop as Kushina jumped in front of Naruto's body. 

"Don't touch my baby boy!" She cried out, four chakra chains hovering in the air menacingly, like snakes. 

"Move aside, woman." Obito spat out. A swirling vortex appeared around Kushina, sucking her into the Kamui dimension.

"Kushina-chan!" Minato shouted, ready to rush in, but was stopped as Madara flashed in front of him. 

"I wouldn't," He said in a warning tone. "Or else your son dies." Minato grit his teeth, anger coursing through his undead body, but he reeled himself back in and calmed down. 

"Naruto," Obito spoke. "Why? Why would you turn back now? What do you gain from siding with these fakes? What happens if you win, your sins still exist. You think this world will accept you?" Naruto froze, his blue eyes looking up at the midnight sky, a mist clouding them. 

Obito laughed. "After what you've done, after everything, you think they would just let you back into the Hidden Leaf with no repercussions? You started this war with me, Naruto! Just like shinobi do, the moment you drop your blade in victory they will point their own at your throat! They are not your true allies, they're using you! Like a pawn in a chess game, you're only a piece that they use as a sacrifice. You mean nothing to them, the only ones who truly love you are already dead! 

"Whatever this world held for you when I found you, whatever remained in your sad and pathetic life, is gone now. You have nothing, you are nothing to them!" He reached out a hand. "But not to me. You're my little brother, Naruto. We can still be allies and bring this world of hate down and create a world of love and prosperity."

"Be quiet!" Sasuke shouted. "You know nothing!" Sasuke looked down at Naruto. "There is still hope, sensei! You made mistakes, and you can atone!" 

"To them your atonement is death!" Obito roared, stretching out his other hand and grabbing Sasuke by the throat with his telekinesis ability. "You are just a weapon, just a monster! You are a means to an end for them! What would have happened if Sakura wasn't murdered? Or Anko? You would still be used to fight wars this corrupt system creates! This world is wrong, I know you see through the lies of this reality just as I did, just as I do." 

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