My Super Weird Boss

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My boss is super weird. He said that every single time when we sit down on his office. We use his money to all the electricity internet AC etc, so we can be lazy even a little because that's mean we waste his money 😆
He even put CCTV on every corner and every a meter on the office so he can monitoring us.
One time me and my co-worker discuss about something for our job, he said that we playing around and chit chat too much 😅
There's time when 2 of my co-workers (female and male) going out to buy something for our job related, and my -former- boss said that the two of them maybe have a relationship and something and it's super unprofessional for them to go for a date on the working time 🤣
During Covid-19, he often ask us to not going to office because he worried about the virus, but because of that he also cut our salary 😰
There's a lot but i can't remember all of it
Author: Ria

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