0.07 Used To This

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Isla looked out over the beautiful Mediterranean Sea and takes a deep breath of the salty air. She felt like she was at peace with herself walking along the coast. Charles walked right by her side and couldn't help but smile every time he looked at her. "Enjoying the view?" her voice asked iercing his thoughts. "I am. It's beautiful." If he was being honest, Charles wasn't talking about the view, he was talking about Isla but compliments had been so rare the past year that anything nice said about her would fly over her head. "It's perfect." she muttered absolutely breathtaken. "Where to now since Lara is asleep?" he asked. "I'm not sure. You've lived her all your life so you tell me." Charles smiled and thought long and hard about where he'd bring her. "Well I would say we could go to a cafe but they're everywhere here so." Isla chuckled at his remark. "And we have breakfast." she added. "Yes, we did. How about we just walk a little more and stop down at the beach?"

"It's freezing!" Isla protested. "And you have a coat. If you're still cold down there you can have my coat too." Charles offered to which Isla happily accepted. Isla took Lara out of her stroller and carried her down while Charles insisted on carrying the stroller and baby bag down. Isla wasn't surprised by how cold it was but she didn't seem to mind it. "We don't have a blanket to lay on." Isla said. Charles set the stroller and bag aside and began taking his coat off. "What do you think you're doing?" she asked. "Getting a blanket." He replied. "What? Is it inside your coat?" Isla asked through a raised eyebrow. "Nope. It is the coat and it will do. I can just go get it cleaned anyway."

Isla hesitantly sat down on the coat and held Lara even closer since it was  a bit colder. "Are you sure you don't have a problem with having your coat on the sand?" Isla asked Charles who was in the midst of sitting down next to her. "Well it's too late now anyway. We've already got it dirty." He smiled. Charles lay back onto his elbows and looked back out to the view. Unlike every other time he looked out, this view seemed much...nicer. Maybe it was the day, the weather or maybe it was something like the company he had with him; no one shouting or yelling or messing, just complete and utter peace for once. He got to actually hear the waves, hear they seagulls, hear everything going on as it mixed into some heavenly...something that hee couldn't quite put his finger on. "You've gone all quiet." Isla chuckled looking back at him. "Mmh. It's not often I get such silence like this." He replies. Charles looks back out but keeps his eyes locked onto Isla, masking his eyes with his sunglasses. He watched as herr hair gently swayed in uniceen with the breeze and watched she closed her eyes and smiled, feeling that she was at peace with herself. She began humming a melody that was oh so beautiful, blessing Charles' ears as she hummed. "That's a nice sound. Is that an unreleased song?"

Isla smiled and looked back at Charles. "Maybe, I just came up with it." she replied. "You did?" Isla hummed in reponse. "You're very talented then. That's amazing." Isla's cheeks burned a bright red colour at the Monegasque's compliment. "Can i hear the words you thought of too?" he asked. Isla took in a deep breath.

"It's gonna take me a minute,
But I can get used to this.
The feeling of your fingertips
The feeling of another kiss.
I can get used to this."

Charles Leclerc - This LoveWhere stories live. Discover now