♡Mateo's Ending♡

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Clyde's POV:

"So you both have it?" Y/n questioned looking worried.

"Yes..." Mateo mumbles.

A smirk made it's way onto my lips.

'If I can convince her that Mateo is dangerous she'll want to come with me.'

"You shouldn't have hidden, brother." I remark, a smirk still playing on my lips. "You know that just makes it worse right?"

I look towards Mateo's cupped hands where Y/n is sitting, unsure what to do.

"You can't protect Y/n and you know that. What was your plan after taking her from me? Running away? Hiding?" I stop to look him dead in the eye. "You're more of a danger to her than I am and you know that."

"You're also a danger to her, Clyde. You're far from innocent." My brother retorts.

"But I can protect her."

"Why don't we let Y/n choose?" Mateo suggests.

"Choose what?"

"Who she wants to be with."

Y/n POV:

Without waiting for an answer from Clyde, Mateo placed my on the ground. I cloud feel two pairs eyes on me as soon as I made contact with the ground.

"So, Y/n, who do you want to be with?" I heard Clyde ask from above.

I looked towards the ground.

"Mateo." I said, raising my gaze and turning to look at Mateo. He smiles and bends down to pick me up, but before his knee touches the ground he is suddenly pushed to the ground and fell on his back.

Mateo's POV:

"YOU'VE TRICKED HER!" Clyde yells at me trying to throw a punch at my face, I grab his arm before it makes contact.


Clyde suddenly pulls out a dagger.

'Where the fuck was he hiding that?!'

He aims the sharp objective towards my chest, I hold his hands back with all the strength I can muster.

After what seems like minutes, I manage to pry the dagger out of Clyde's hold.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Clyde yells at me, tears starting to stream down his face. "IF YOU HADN'T INTERFERED WE'D STILL BE AT HOME WITH BOTH FATHER AND HIRO ALIVE!"


Seeing Clyde with tears still rolling down his face I take my chance to push him off me.

The only sounds that can be heard are those of the woods, Clyde sobbing and heavy breaths from the both of us.

'I need to do it.'

My grip tightens around the dagger in my hold.

With a sigh, I clamber to my feet and walk over to my younger brother.

"Forgive me, brother." I mumble as I pull Clyde in for a hug. As soon as we make contact I hear a gasp from my younger brother and the feeling of metallic liquid running down to the handle of the dagger.

"But she was always mine."

Standing up, I analyse my surroundings.


'Where is she?'


Panic shoots through me, my mind racing with scenarios.

'What if we crushed her when fighting?'

I check the ground for any signs of blood or her body, to my relief, I find nothing.


Y/N's POV:


'Don't move.'

I'm praying with all I have that he doesn't find me.

I can't believe it. He killed Clyde. I know Clyde killed people too but he never did it in front of me, that I'm somewhat thankful for.

I lean against the tree more, trying to calm myself due to the paranoia of thinking Mateo can hear every noise I make.

Hiding behind a tree isn't the best place to hide since he's obviously going to look throughly, but I'm too scared to move.

I suddenly hear footsteps approaching from behind.

"Found you."

I look up and I'm greeted with Mateo's steel grey eyes.

'Run. Now.'

My body hoists itself up and starts sprinting away in the opposite direction Mateo is in.

I hear him chuckle behind me.

The laughter is quickly followed by the sounds of footsteps getting louder and louder.

Long, slender fingers suddenly wrap themselves around my body.

"We can play games later, okay?" Mateo says as I thrash around in his grip. My panicked struggling only receives a chuckle.

Without another word from him, I'm suddenly shoved into a pocket.

After about an hour, a hand grabs me and throws me onto a hard surface. As my eyes slowly start to adjust to the change of brightness, I recognize my surroundings. I'm in Mateo's office.

"Your behaviour within the next few hours determines how you live."

I spin around to the source of the voice, I find Mateo sitting in his chair at the desk.

"Huh?" Mateo, once again, chuckles.

"If you try and escape or run away from me you'll be sleeping in a cage underneath my bed but if you decide to be an obedient princess then you'll be sleeping with me, in my bed." He gives me a stern look. "Understand?"

I give a slow nod.

A smirk starts to form on his lips.

"Good girl." He says in a patronising tone. "And if you're really obedient I might even let you explore my body." My eyes widen.

"You're mine now, you need to understand that and with Clyde gone there's no one to intervene."

"I could tell everyone what you're really like!" I yell at him, receiving a chuckle.

"They won't believe you, you know that right? I'm the king they all want, my father boasted about me being a remarkable man all the time, so I think I'm pretty safe, even if a little human did decide to blame me for certain events." He smirks again as he gets up from his chair and walks towards the office door.

Before turning the handle, he looks back to me.

"Oh, and if I were you I wouldn't make a move or try to escape when I'm gone. After that little comment you're one step closer to sleeping in the cage tonight, so if you want to make it up to your new master I suggest you obey me, got it? Or your kingdom will suffer from your selfish decisions."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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