Chapter 22

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When they arrived, Wheein went to Hwasa house.

"I never knew this will happen," Hwasa said crying in Chungha's arms. "By the way how do you know her parents kill my mother," she said standing up.

"It does-," she was cut off when Wheein enters.

"Chungha! What do you know about my parents and Hwasa mother," Wheein said grabbing her by the collar. The beta didn't answer and pushed her away. "ANSWER ME!"

"Why don't we take this outside," the beta said. Hwasa was confused and startled, and so they went outside. The couple and Baram were inside their car just waiting.

"You know Hwasa, I always loved you since the first time I saw you," she said calmly while Wheein trying to contain her temper. "I and Baram came with a plan to separate you both."

"THAT'S NOT TRUE WHEEIN," Baram came outside of her car trying to defend herself running to Wheein.

"Shut up Baram!" Wheein yelled, and Baram didn't move.

"We came with the plan, but what I said is true," she said and Wheein went to punch her. Hwasa tried to stop her and couldn't, the alpha was too strong to move. So, the couple got out of the car to help.

"Yo, Wheein, calm down," Moonbyul yelled trying to stop Wheein. "Let her talk!"

"Wheein parents killed Hwasa mother. How do I know, well..."

*23 years ago, *

"Mrs. Kim, I want you to go and poison Mrs. Ahn. I want the baby to die with her," Mrs. Jung said. The Jung and Ahn territory were enemies for a generation. Wheein parents had a plan for how both mother and child can die but Mrs. Jung wanted to do it her way. They were going to kill both so once they die, the Jung's can have the territory. Mrs. Kim went to the Ahn territory and work as the kitchen maid. Mrs. Ahn orders a soup, so Mrs. Kim had the chance to put the poison, once she did that, she went a gave the food.

Mr. Ahn was next to his wife; he was happy that his going to be a father soon. He was going outside for a bit when he heard a thud. His wife was on the floor, holding her stomach in pain. Mr. Ahn didn't waste any second and took her to the hospital as fast as possible. He was waiting and waiting outside the operation room. When the doctor came outside.

"How is my wife, and daughter?!"

"Mr. Ahn. Your daughter was born healthy, and she's an omega." Mr. Ahn was happy, that his baby was born healthy, but was waiting for his wife's health.

"What about my wife?! Is she ok?!" The doctor didn't answer and just looked away.

"Mr. Ahn, we tried. I'm sorry." Mr. Ahn broke into tears, yelling. He went inside the OR, trying to wake up his wife, but he couldn't do anything. He went to another room thinking about his wife when the nurse came in with the baby. He looked at the baby and cry. They went back home, and Mr. Ahn spent his days taking care of his daughter.

Mrs. Kim saw that he returned but he was with his baby. She quit her job as a maid and went back to Jung's territory to tell that the baby survived. The couple was always fighting since the day they knew the Ahn baby survive.

*back to the fight*

"Wheein mother, sent my mother to kill your mother when she was pregnant of you. She poisons your mother so both of you can die, and they can get the territory. That's why, in the ceremony when I was folding your clothes, I knew you were an omega, so I wanted to protect you more," Chungha said looking down.

"AND YOU KNEW ALL THIS ALONG?" Hwasa cried of anger and sadness. She went to Chungha, and slapped her, yelling at her. "My mother would've been alive right now! ALIVE CHUNGHA," she cried hitting her. Hwasa stopped and went to her best friend, and her Solar hugged her; she knew the pain she was feeling.

Wheein went to Chungha, punching her and Moonbyul went to stop her because she knows that Chungha will end up dead. "Leave, you piece of shit! Leave before I kill you!" Wheein said angry, while Moonbyul holding her.

Hwasa went to her house crying, Solar was about to go with her but stop.

"Wheein. Go with her. She needs you more than me," Solar said calmly. Wheein looked up and went to Hwasa.

"NO. Wheein I need y-," Baram was cut off by a slap. She looked up and it was Solar, and without thinking, she slapped Solar back.

"Yong! Are you ok," Moonbyul said going to her.

"Byul, step aside. This bitch wish her death," said Solar. Moonbyul didn't want her girlfriend to fight but she moved because she can't stop Solar when she's mad. Once Moonbyul stepped aside, the omegas started to fight.

"THIS IS FOR Wheein, AND THIS IS FOR MY BEST FRIEND. You don't belong here, so I ma hurt you like you hurt people's feelings," Solar said punching Baram. Baram fell, Solar was about to grab her when Byul stopped her.

"What are you doing Byul?! Move!"

"No, she got what she deserved. Let her go and let's go." Solar listen to Moonbyul, they were about to enter the car when she went running to Baram and slapped her one more time.

A/N: is this how the fight works?

♨𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕊𝕔𝕖𝕟𝕥 (𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕘𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕖)♨Where stories live. Discover now