Chapter 32 - Birthday Surprise

Start from the beginning

"Montgomery has made them go mad, Rowan. They're bloody losing it over her being at the wrong table," Blaise huffed as he angrily took a bite of his toast. Rowan looked around and noticed that almost every Slytherin had their eyes on the Gryffindor table. With a small sigh, Rowan began to walk over to the Gryffindor table, where Juniper was deep in conversation with the golden trio. 

"I'm telling you, Ron. Lavender is not a good idea," Juniper said in a half-joking tone. Rowan, while she had no clue what Juniper was talking about, also agreed. Lavender Brown was a Gryffindor in the same year as Juniper, but she was mostly quiet in class. Perhaps it was because potions was a rather difficult subject, but Rowan hadn't seen Lavender around anywhere else. 

"She's kinda cute," Ron said in almost a whisper and Rowan could swear Hermione looked like she might explode. 

Rowan had known the very second that Hermione liked Ron after she had said what her amortentia smelled like. If Rowan had remembered correctly, the young Gryffindor smelled new parchment, freshly mown grass, and spearmint toothpaste. There was no denying that was Ron Weasley.

"Hey- Juni? Can I ask why you're at the wrong table and about to start a territory war between the Gryffindor and Slytherin?" Rowan asked as she tapped Juniper on the shoulder lightly. She hadn't wanted to startle Juniper, but she also didn't want to have another fight in the Great Hall.

"Oh! Hey, Rowan!" Juniper said in passing before turning back to Ron and continuing her earlier conversation. Rowan, now slightly annoyed, tapped on her shoulder again. "Juniper, I need an answer," Rowan said, a stern tone finding its way to her voice. She didn't like being the "teacher" around her friends, but if she needed to, she would. After all, Dumbledore had said that Juniper's punishment was up to Rowan.

"And I need some space!" Juniper snapped, slapping away Rowan's hand in anger. Rowan, taken aback in shock, looked up to the staff table. Severus was watching with angered eyes, but he wasn't moving from his spot. Anger boiled inside Rowan.

She had tried to be gentle, seeing what all Juniper had gone through. She hadn't wanted to upset her in any way, but she wouldn't take this disrespect. "Miss Montgomery, return to your correct table at once," Rowan ordered, this time no kindness was in her voice. "Or what? I belong in Gryffindor," Juniper bit, glaring her eyes at Rowan daringly.

"Do you want to be a true Gryffindor? They'll face your consequences. Ten points from Gryffindor," Rowan announced and watched as the Gryffindor table erupted in various counter-arguments.

"She's a Slytherin!"

"We didn't do anything!"

Rowan smirked as she watched Juniper's nose flared in anger. She never wanted to humiliate or embarrass Juniper, but this behavior couldn't be accepted. Friend or not, everyone deserved respect. "You think you're all big and strong, Rowan. Really, you're a coward," Juniper spat as she stomped off toward the Slytherin table.

"Detention with Filch, Montgomery! Until you learn to be respectful again, you will address me as Professor Knight," Rowan yelled and for a moment, when Rowan's eyes met Juniper's, she swore Juniper was about to cry. Punishing her as a student was Rowan's job, and Juniper seemed to understand. Yet, treating her like a student outside of school was something they both loathed. They were friends first, after all.

Rowan sat down in her seat beside Severus, pushing away her plate of food that Severus had seemed to have prepared. "Children can be rebellious. You did what you should have," Severus comforted, placing a hand on Rowan's knee. Rowan smiled forcibly, determined to remain happy for Severus' birthday. However, when she looked over at the Slytherin table, her heart was filled with guilt.

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