04 | she's the stitch to her heart

Start from the beginning

Each week, she would find herself hoping to be able to make it to Friday. 

Throughout the past 3 days, Wheein had yet to speak to Hyejin. She was only communicating through her eyes and her expressions, and she wasn't sure if Hyejin was able to understand her𑁋it would be remarkable if the girl could, as if it's a once in a lifetime phenomenon. But somehow, some hidden voice inside of her is telling her that Hyejin could understand what she was trying to say, hell, but even Wheein herself doesn't understand what she's trying to say to the girl.

Their only real interactions would be the ones that happen under the cherry blossom tree after school ends𑁋Hyejin would sit next to her, watching her and either staying silent or talking about how the other classmates had been treating her, with Wheein keeping to herself and continuing to draw in her sketchbook while listening. She would be faced in angles that Hyejin wouldn't be able to see what she was attempting to draw, and let's just say that she was trying to draw something new. 

Wheein absolutely hated the fact of how the other students were treating Hyejin; the girl hadn't even been attending the school for an entire week, yet Wheein can't get herself to stand up for her own good. She felt like she had been consuming all of these remarks inside of herself that she could easily let out, but she can't. She had taped her mouth shut for so long that she couldn't figure out herself how to rip it off even though it's such a simple gesture. 

Yet those encounters would only end the same way𑁋Hyejin leaving first and waving goodbye, then Wheein leaving after some time to herself. Hyoyeon had been out the rest of the week due to a sudden family emergency, so Wheein hadn't been able to earn some extra money for herself, though she hasn't spent much of the money that the woman had given her when she was there.  

Wheein leans down to place a peck to her grandmother's temple before gathering her belongings such as one of her oversized hoodies and some of her drawing pencils that somehow lay scattered on top of her grandmother's dresser. She takes a moment to gather her momentum, looking back to glance at her grandmother continuing to consume the food she had prepared, before leaving the room and grabbing the key that was conveniently on top of the small dining table in the house. Wheein makes her way towards the front door, opening and closing it quietly behind her.

The dim sun filled the skies with various shades of orange and black, the warmness of the air lingering and hitting against Wheein's face as she began to walk in the direction of her school. Though it wasn't even summer, it still felt strangely more warmer than usual. And the thought that it was close to the end of school somehow made the girl feel queasy inside𑁋she was going to be graduating next year, becoming a senior and going out into the depths of the world wherever her mentality chooses to take her. It truly stunned her at how far she had come to go through her struggles just by herself throughout the years, and it makes her wonder if some people are just destined to be alone... just like her, if that's even a real philosophy.

A lot can change in just a couple of months𑁋if Wheein was able to make it throughout the year all by herself, then surely there's a given chance that she should be able to survive the next couple of months, right?

Wheein trails down the near-empty sidewalk in the direction of the school school, her footsteps becoming gradually slower overtime and feeling as if she was climbing up a mountain. Her sleeping schedule wasn't exactly the healthiest𑁋resulting from staying up late either drawing, doing schoolwork, or just thinking𑁋so the heaviness in her eyelids also proceeded to become stronger as the minutes passed by. Her sleep deprivation had begun to worsen over the years𑁋each day feeling more drained from the last. 

She walks past closed-up restaurants and small shops and gift stores, as it was still too early in the day for the city Jeongu to come alive. Her mind begins to drift off to the thought of Hyejin all of a sudden, as if the girl had somehow made a rightful claim of territory in her brain𑁋where did the girl originally come from? Why did she choose to go to her school? Why... is the girl talking to her of all people?

𝒘𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 | wheesa ✓Where stories live. Discover now