S2 E4: The love letter - Wednesday - Oct 27

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{Scene 1 - Cherrie's room}
My mom came into my room to wake me up so I can get ready for school and said that I had something special from someone very close to me. "Wake up dear." Mom said. I woke up and got up and asked. "From who?" I asked but I was still tired. "From your father and your boyfriend." Mom said. After hearing that from my mom I suddenly woke the rest of the way up and went to my closet and said. "I'll be right down." I said. "Alright." Mom said. My mom left and I said. "Your the best mom." I said. "I know you tell me every day." Mom said. I got in my school uniform and grabbed my dance bag and went down to the kitchen. Later in the kitchen.
{Scene 2 - The kitchen}
"Good morning, Sis." Clara said. "Morning." I said. My mom gave me the two letters and I read the one from my dad. The letter contained a dog tag one letter the read. Dear Cherrie, I know you miss I saw your video and I loved it. I love you and your siblings a lot. I miss you too. I wish I could be there at your first cheer competition but I know you will do great. Sincerely Dad. I hugged the letter from my dad and the second letter read. Dear Cherrie, You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met. I want to spend my whole life with you. Sincerely Rio. I hugged the letter while my siblings finished reading their letters. "I have to go to school now you know cheerleaders." I said as I head towards the front door. "We will be there to cheer you on." Mom said. Later at school.
{Scene 3 - At school}
We arrived at the school with our dance bags in hand, we go to cafeteria and we eat our breakfast, after we are done eating and we head to the girl's locker room. "I can't believe that we have our first cheerleading competition today." I said. "Me too." Ella said as we arrive at the locker room. Later in the locker room.
{Scene 4 - The locker room}
We enter the locker room and we are met with our coach. "We have our first cheer competition today, in Disney World. Cherrie you have a surprise waiting for you today." Mrs. Sophie said as the principal over the loudspeaker. "We have a special guest here so can everyone gather in the gym for a special assembly at 1:00." The principal said. Later in Math class.
{Scene 5 - in Math class}
We enter the classroom and we take our seats. "Today's activity is going to be a be a baking contest." Mr. Rish said. "Diana." I said as we went to the cafeteria. "Yeah Cherrie?" Diana asked. "I wonder if we are going to be on the same team." I said. "Me too, but we need to see if we are." Diana said. "Gather around me to see what group you guys are going to be in." Mr. Rich said. "Yes, Diana we are in the same group." I said to Diana. Later at the baking station.
{Scene 6 - Baking Station}
"Diana guess what." I said. "Yeah Cherrie." Diana said. "I have my first ever Cheer Competition down in Disney World after school today." I said excitedly. "In Disney World now thats exciting, well good luck." Diana said. "I wonder what we are going to baking today." I said. Mr. Rich passed out the recipe that we are baking, it looks like we are making Halloween cupcakes. We put all the wet ingredients into the bowl and mixed it together and we put on the Black and Purple frosting and the bats. "Times up." Mr. Rich said. "I wonder if we won." I said. "The winners are Cherrie, Diana, and Rio." Mr. Rich announced. Later at face class.
{Scene 7 - The Hallway}
Three hours later 11:00 and an hour until noon. Only three hours until the special surprise at 2:00. I walked to my next class. "I can't believe that I'm a senior student and I'm one of the best students the school ever saw." I said as Crystal nudged me and she said. "Remember that we all are some of the best students our school has ever seen." Crystal said. "I guess your right." I said as we walked to class. Later in the gym.
{Scene 8 - In the gym}
"Would the family of John Armstrong join me in the center of the gym?" The principal said as Aaron, Cherrie, and Clara join their mother and principal in the center of the gym. "If you can look up at the screen in the middle of the gym." The principal said. "Hi Sara, hey kids. I'm sorry I can't be there with you. Cherrie good luck at your cheer competition." Dad said. "I bet you will like this, come out Army veteran Armstrong." The principal said. We went to hug our father. "I missed you." I said. "I missed you too." Dad said. "Army veteran Armstrong served in the army for 2 months now and he decided to surprise his family on this special day for our cheer team since they have a cheer competition in Disney world." The principal said as My parents took their seats to watch our routine. 3 minutes later. Later in Art class.
{Scene 9 - Art class}
I walked into art class and I take my seat. A few minutes later Rio walks into class and takes his seat in front of me. "Welcome class." Mrs. Nelson said. "Good afternoon, Mrs. Nelson." I said. "Hi girl." Crystal said as she sat down next to me. "Hi Crystal." I said. Rio put a letter on my desk. "What is that, Cherrie?" Crystal asked. "It looks like a love letter." I said. "But from Rio." Crystal said. I read the letter. Dear Cherrie, the day I laid my eyes on you I knew you were the one for me. The day I saw you getting freaked out by your last boyfriend. You deserved better than being treated like that with Matt. I will respect your boundaries. The way your lilac hair flows in the wind my heart skipped a beat. I will protect you from Matt. I love you with all my heart and I'll always will. Sincerely yours, Rio B. I finish reading the letter and I pulled the letter into my chest, I blushed and said. "I love you too, Rio." I said quietly. *The last bell rings* "Alright class is dismissed." Mrs. Nelson said. Later afterschool.
{Scene 10 - After school}
Crystal and I walked to our lockers to join up with our other friends. Rio walked up to his locker but didn't walk up to us and he overheard us talking about the love letter. "Hi girls." I said. "What's that?" Ari asked. "Some type of love letter from Rio." I said. Later with Rio. "Jim." Rio said. "Yeah, Rio." Jim said. "I knew Cherrie loved me from the start." Rio said. Later with the girls. "Hey Cherrie." Paige said. "Yeah Paige." I said. "Isn't that your boyfriend Rio over there?" Paige said as she pointed over to Rio. I yelled over to Rio. "Hey Rio, do you want to catch a movie with me and my friends tonight at my place after my cheer competition?" I asked. Rio turned to Jim and said. "I got to go, see you tomorrow Jim." Rio said as he walked over to us. "Of course I will. Anything for you." Rio said. "Alright, tonight at my house at seven since I'm going to be home at six pm." I said. "Hey Cherrie." Rio said. "Yeah Rio." I said. "May I hug you?" Rio asked. "Of course you can." I said as Rio and I hugged each other. Later at Disney world.
{Scene 11 - Disney world}
We made it to Disney World where our cheer competition was being held so we have to go get checked into our room so we can get ready for the competition. "Are you here for the cheer competition?" Kathy asked. "Yes we are here for the competition." Mrs. Sophie said. "Alright, your room is dressing room 147." Kathy said. "Alright thanks." Mrs. Sophie said as she turned to face us. Mrs. Sophie nodded her head and we head to Dressing room 147 to get warmed up for the competition. Later in the dressing room.
{Scene 12 - the dressing room}
We went to the dressing room. Sienna, Paige, and Sage walked up to me and Sage said. "Are you ready for the competition?" Sage asked. "Of course I am." I said. "Can I help you do your makeup?" Paige asked. "Of course." I said as Paige did the rest of my makeup. Sage did my hair into a high ponytail then curled it. Sienna got my tights, my costume, and shoes out of my dance bag. I got my costume on and we start to head to the hole. Later in the hole.
{Scene 13 - In the hole}
We wait in the hole until we went onto the deck. We gathered around Coach Sophie. "Alright, this is our first competition of the season. We have to give it our 110%. If we give it our all, I know we can do it. All together now." Coach Leurquin said. We put our hands in the middle and we chanted, Coach Leurquin start the chant. "Give me a C." Coach Leurquin chanted. "C." Chanted the team. "Give me an O." Coach Leurquin chanted. "O." Chanted the team. "Give me a B." Coach Leurquin chanted. "B." Chanted the team. "Give me an R." Coach Leurquin chanted. "R." Chanted the team. "Give me an A." Coach Leurquin chanted. "A." Chanted the team. "Give me an S." Coach Leurquin chanted. "S." Chanted the team. "What does that spell?" Coach Leurquin asked. "COBRAS." Cheered the team. We practice the routine and we walk onto the deck. Later on the deck.
{Scene 14 - On the Deck}
We walked on the deck, Sienna, Paige, Sage, I, and the team wait for the time we take the stage. "That was the Mermaids. In the hole is the Sea-horses, On deck is the Eagles, and performing now is the Cobras." The announcer said. Later on the Disney World stage.
{Scene 15 - On the Disney World stage}
We run onto the Disney World stage. Luckily Sienna, Paige, Sage, and I are in the same stunt group. "Go Cobras." My dad yelled. I looked out into the crowd and didn't see Rio there to cheer me on but who I did see was Mark holding a sign saying, Go Cherrie. We start doing our routine and the crowd cheered for us and we kept going strong. We finished the routine and we walked off the stage. Later backstage.
{Scene 16 - Backstage}
"You guys did great out there." Coach Leurquin said. Sienna, Paige, Sage, and I hugged because we did so great out on stage. "I hope we get first place." Sage said. "Me too." I said. "We did great out there." Sienna said. "I agree." Paige said. Later at Rio's house.
{Scene 17 - Rio's house and Disney World}
"Dude, you do know that your girlfriend is competing in her first cheer competition today, right?" Evan asked. "Dude I should have been there. I wonder how Cherrie is going to feel about this." Rio said. "Call her best friend. She probably recorded the Cobras." Evan said. "Alright, I call her." Rio said as he picked up his phone and called Ella. Ella picked up her phone and saw it was Rio and answered. "Hi Rio." Ella said. " Hi Ella. I have to ask you something." Rio said. "What is it?" Ella asked. "Did you record Cherrie's routine?" Rio asked. "Yeah, I did. Do you want me to send it to you?" Ella asked. "Yeah, I do." Rio said. "Alright, I'll send it to you." Ella said. "Thank you." Rio said. "Your welcome. I got to go. Bye." Ella said. "Bye." Rio said. Ella hung up the phone and sent Rio the video. Later backstage.
{Scene 18 - Backstage}
I walked over to Coach Leurquin and heard that in 10 minutes they are going to announce the winners of the competition. "Could all the teams come onto the stage?" Announcer #1 said. Later on the stage.
{Scene 19 - On the stage}
The team and I head on stage to await the results. I hope we get first place for our routine. "Our-third place winner is the Sea-Horses, our second-place winner is the hermit-crabs, and our first-place winner is the Cobras." Announcer #2 said. Three hours later at home.
{Scene 20 - Cherrie's House}
After a long car ride home from Disney World. We walk up to the front door and go to the living room exhausted. We crash on the couch from exhaustion. Mom brings us four blankets and covers us. "Good night girls." Mom said. "Good night, mom." I said. My mom and dad go to their bedroom and slept until morning knowing that their daughter and her team won the competition. The Cobras are already moving onto their next competition. Taffy jumped up next to me and fell asleep. We have school tomorrow and I know who I'm not talking to tomorrow, Rio because he knows how important it is to me. Later the next day.

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