S1 E5: The confession - Friday - Sept 29

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{Scene 1 - Cherrie's room}
It's 5 am and I woke up and went downstairs to the fashion shop to finish the dress for my photo shoot this afternoon. Later in the fashion shop.
{Scene 2 - the fashion shop}
"Now where did I leave off?" I asked. "Oh, I know the finishing touches. The cloak, and bow to go my hair, that will make my gown awesome." I said. I got the fabric off the shelf and took it over to the table and start working on my cloak. I put the finished cloak on the manikin. 30 minutes later. Later in my room.
{Scene 3 - Cherrie's room}
I finished getting ready for school and Matt is going to confess his love to me. All week he was acting weird so I don't know what to say. I got my school bag and headed down to the living room to wait for school to start. One hour later. Later at school.
{Scene 4 - At school}
I walked up to my friends they look like their talking to a person but who. "Hi girls." I said. "Hi cherrie, this is Lindi." Nancy said. "Hi Lindi. I'm Cherrie nice to meet you." I said. "Nice to meet you too." Lindi said. "Get ready for my love confession afterschool." Matt said. The seven friends head to history class because they are going to learn about the five guardians brings forth the seasons. Later in history.
{Scene 5 - History class}
"Welcome class take your seats than class will begin." Mr. Evan said. We took our seats and listened to the lecture. "The year was the late 1800s there lived four elemental goddesses who brought forth the seasons. Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring, and their names are April, Dawn, Layla, and Luna. If their powers got in the wrong hands the world would be in disorder. The sisters kept the balance for hundreds of years now. They plan to keep it like that for generations to come." Mr. Evan explained. I looked up at the clock waiting for the weekend to start but she can't forget the confession from Matt. "Tomorrow we will have a project about the four elemental goddesses in groups of eight." Mr. Evan said. Later in math class.
{Scene 6 - Math class}
"Welcome to class, students." Mrs. Chia said. Lindi and I go to our seats but luckily we sit next to each other in class. "Today students we will be learning about tables and graphs so we will get started." Mrs. Chia said. We did the first few equations with the teacher and then Lindi and I start to finish the math that we have left to do then the bell rang. Later in Gym class.
{Scene 7 - Gym class}
The day has been going well I am excited about the weekend. I like Matt but I don't love him, I am not looking forward to his confession. I walked to gym class with my childhood friend Ellie and I said. "I'm glad to see you, Ellie." I said. "Me too." Ellie said while she hugged me and she said. "Do you remember our secret handshake?" Ellie asked. "Do you need to ask, of course, I do." I said. Ellie and I do our secret handshake than head into the gym. Gym class went on with a hinch Ellie and I did what our gym teacher assigned for us to do. Later in our Creative writing class.
{Scene 8 - Creative writing class}
"I will see you after class, Buddie." I said. "Alright, Buddie see ya." Ellie said. I walked off to my creative writing class. "Hi, Cherrie go take your seat." Mrs. Aphrodite said. I go take my seat and class began. "So I want you to come up with a short story of what family and friends mean to you by next Tuesday for a grade." Mrs. Aphrodite said. Creative writing class went well and it was easy because I wrote the first paragraph in class. Later after school.
{Scene 9 - Afterschool}
I walked over to the lockers with Ellie and introduced her to my friends. "Guys meet Ellie my childhood friend." I said. "Nice to meet you, Ellie." Crystal said. I looked in my locker and saw a note and it said. Dear Cherrie, I wrote you this note because the first time I laid my eyes on you my heart sank. Please meet me at the cherry blossom tree behind the school. I want to tell you something. Love Matt T. "I have to go see you later girls." I said as I ran off to the cherry tree. "Bye see you tomorrow." Lindi said. Later at the cherry tree.
{Scene 10 - The cherry tree}
I ran to the cherry tree and waited for Matt. He walked out from behind the tree and said. "You made it, I didn't think you would." Matt said. Matt grabbed me by the hands and looked in eyes. "Did anyone tell you how beautiful you are?" Matt asked while running his fingers through my hair. "No, actually only my parents called me that." I said. "Well you are, I liked you from day one." Matt said. "About this week you have been acting strange around me, so sorry Matt but if you don't change your ways I don't want to be your girlfriend." I said. I walked off and Matt said under his breath. "You will be mine not today but soon." Matt said. Later at home.
{Scene 11 - Home}
I walked in the front door and said as I headed to my room to change. "Hi, mom and Dad." I said. "Hi Cherrie, remember you have that photoshoot in an hour." Mom said. "Okay, mom I'm going to change into my dress I made last night." I said. "Alright, sweetie." Mom said. Later in my room.
{Scene 12 - my room}
I entered my room and headed for my closet and I got my dress out of my closet and sat it on my bed to get changed into it. I got undressed and started to change into my dress. I headed out of my room to the kitchen to show the gown to my parents. "How do you like it?" I asked. "We love it." My parents said. One hour later. "Ready to go to the photoshoot?" Mom asked. Later at the photoshoot.
{Scene 13 - The photoshoot}
We walk into the studio where the photo shoot is being held. "Miss Cherrie correct." Asked the photographer. "Yeah that's me." I said. "Alright, follow me." Said the photographer. The photographer walked to the backdrop to get started. The photoshoot lasted for an hour. "Okay, you will get the first copy of the newest magazine when it comes out." Said the photographer. Later at home.
{Scene 14 - At home}
I changed out of my gown and put my hair down and headed down to my video studio to do my favorite thing to do in my past time. Later in my video studio.
{Scene 15 - My video studio}
I walked into my video studio and walked to my desk and started to record. "Hi, my little Cherries. It's your video queen Cherrie and today we are doing a makeup tutorial with my brand new makeup pallet. So let's start with the primer because we need a good base to put our foundation on top of. Since now that we have our foundation and primer on and now let's get started with eye shadow. Now that we are set on the eye shadow look. Let's move on to the blush. So I will take the color of sparkle and shameless and put it on the apples of my cheeks. Finally for the last step are the lips. I will be taking the shade of Maroon and put it on my lips the I will add a clear lip gloss to add on top. That's it for this firey makeup look all completed so this is where I will end this video. Bye, my little Cherries." I said as I ended the video and headed to my video studio's bathroom so I can wash my face from my latest video. Later in the kitchen.
{Scene 16 - The kitchen}
"Hi, mom what's for dinner?" I asked. "Pork chops and tator tots." Mom said. I sat down and started to eat my dinner. Later in my room.
{Scene 17 - My room}
I went to my room and took out my diary and wrote. Dear diary, Today was great because I got to see my childhood again and she is also going to the same school as me and my buddies. Ellie and I had gym class together and I got a letter from Matt to meet him under the cherry blossom tree behind the school. So I met him there and he confessed his love to me. But of course, I turned down his love confession. Now let's get to the great parts of the day. Well, I did tell you about my friend and I reuniting since we were children. This last week I had two cheer practices and so much more. Sincerely your owner, Cherrie Armstrong. I put my diary away on my bedside table and went to my computer and worked on my book. One hour later.
{Scene 18 - YouTube}
I turned on some music and danced to my heart's content. The type of music I just love to dance to is nightcore. Let me get this straight Nightcore is the best type of music ever because it takes any song that exists in the world and puts it into this nightcore generator. I think I was dancing for well over an hour now. *YAWN* I turned off my music and went to my bed and got settled in. I slipped into the dreamscape. Later in the Dreamscape.
{Scene 19 - The Dreamscape}
"Hi, Elsie. What does the Dreamscape have in store for me tonight?" I asked. "Hi, Cherrie. Do you want to continue your last dream or start a new one?" Elsie asked. "I want to continue my last dream." I said. "Alright, let me take you to where you left off in your last dream." Elsie said. I walked in the front door and I walk up to my mother. I hugged her and she hugged me. "Cherrie, my darling daughter." Mom said. I looked up at my mother. "Yeah, mom." I said. "What do you most desire in life?" Mom asked. My one most desire, I always wanted to meet Elsa from Frozen." I said. "Elsa, you say. Elsa come on out here." Mom said and I turned around saw my Idol. "Hi, Cherrie your mother here told me that you wanted to meet me." Elsa said. Elsa and I had so much fun in Dreamtopia until the sun rose above the mountains and it cast a ray of beautiful colors against the walls of my room.

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