Part 3 - [EDITED]

Start from the beginning

She got up from the table and motioned to go to her room. "Also, can you drop the medicine off at your grandma's? She has a cold," Liz said. 

Mia stopped and stomped to the counter to pick up the bag. "Why can't you do it?"

"You know why," Liz answered. 

Mia sighed and walked to her room. She picked up her phone and called the girls to give them the news. She had to let them know she couldn't make it and she'd probably get an earful. And now Mom was even making her do all of the footwork too and... she was just pissed off.

Mia knocked on her grandmother's door. Her Grandma, Madeline, and Mia weren't that close. She only visited them a few times when they were in Seattle. Mia got to know her more when they got back to Forks.

"Amelia, dear, welcome," Madeline opened the door. 

"Hey Grandma," she smiled, "I'm here to drop these off. Mom says you need them,"

Madeline stepped aside. "Alright, get inside. I'll get you a cup of tea," 

Mia knew there was no point in trying to argue with her. She got in and texted Liz to pick her up from here. She had Olivia drive her to her grandmother after school.

"Thanks, grandma," she said and sat down. 

Madeline walked inside a couple of minutes later with her tea. "So, tell me, how are things going?" 

Mia shrugged as she took a sip. "You know, the same old. School is hard,"

Madeline smiled knowingly. "I bet, but you'll miss this in the future,"

Mia nodded and smiled. Her eyes diverted to the photos hanging on the wall behind her Grandma. There were various photos of her grandparents, of her Mom and a couple of her. Mia didn't remember her grandfather but he had the same dark skin tone as Billy, Jake, Embry, and Quil. He had shoulder-length black hair just like them too.

"Grandma, can I ask you something?" 

Madeline nodded. "Who were my mom's friends when she was younger?"

Her Grandma pouted and drank from her cup. "There were many, Liz was very popular. When she was younger she was very good friends with that kid on the reservation. Billy. As she got older, I lost track of it,"

"Hmm," Mia answered and took a sip. She loved her mom but Mia felt like there was something she wasn't telling her. Madeline proceeded to tell a few stories of Liz's teenage and childhood years.

"Do you know who my father is?" Mia let out, interrupting Madeline's story. She liked hearing stories about her mom but this was something that bugged her for a long time. She didn't really feel the absence of her father much but she sometimes wondered.

Liz was a very good mother, Mia would never oppose that, but whenever she tried to get information about him, Liz wouldn't tell her. She wouldn't ask about it much because Liz got upset.

"What did Liz tell you?"

"Nothing," she replied, "That's why I'm asking you," 

Madeline shook her head. "This is something you should talk about with her, not me," 

Mia sighed loudly and finished her glass. Then they heard a honk. "Must be Mom," Mia murmured. She got up and got her bag and coat. Madeline got up after her and they walked to the door together.

"Hi mom," Liz said nonchalantly from the car. 

Madeline didn't answer her and gave her a glare. Mia pressed her lips together. "Anyway, thanks for the tea grandma, take care," she said. 

Blood Is Thicker Than Water  // Lahote - [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now