86). A Normal Bachelor/Bachelorette Party

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"Well, now this just gave me no preference." Y/N said jokingly. "I don't know who'll win now, my daughter or my future wife."

Hermione let a slight smile slip, kissed his cheek and went back on the game. As the game continued, more words were made, giving everyone more points. But eventually in the end, Anne won the game with the letters, "A-G-L-E-T."

Which, according to the dictionary, is a metal or plastic tube fixed tightly around each end of a shoelace.

"I win!" She exclaimed happily as Hermione just smiled at her. "Better luck next time, Mum. Sorry..."

"Oh no, it's okay." Hermione said as she cleaned up her side. "I should have thought about Aglet. Smart move." As they finished cleaning, Snuffles got up and sat on Anne's head, which made her giggle as she took the Niffler off her head and in her arms. Y/N watched the two of them playing around and just laughed while Hermione looked at him with a smile and kissed him. A couple minutes later, Anne was laying down the bed with Snuffles in her arms, Y/N and Hermione were sitting on the bed, Hermione laying down on Y/N, and I was on another comfy chair, brushing Crookshanks' fur.

 A couple minutes later, Anne was laying down the bed with Snuffles in her arms, Y/N and Hermione were sitting on the bed, Hermione laying down on Y/N, and I was on another comfy chair, brushing Crookshanks' fur

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"So what did Addison have to talk to you both about?" Hermione asked as she intertwined her fingers with Y/N's and he played with her hair.

"Just what Hogwarts is doing with Hawthorne and his Death Eaters." I answered while continuing to brush Crookshanks. "There's a new Auror here too. Seems cool, his name is Vito... what's his full name again?"

"Vito Nightshade." Y/N answered. "And yeah, he sounds really nice. You both would like him."

"Oh, that reminds me, Hermione

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"Oh, that reminds me, Hermione..." I said as I looked at her. "You want to do dinner for your bachelorette party? Seemed like the thing all of the ladies would agree on."

"Hm.... I'm still not sure." Hermione pondered. "And who would watch over Anne while we're out?"

"Could Grandma watch me?" Anne asked as she got up. "Or Professor McGonagall?"

"I mean, if they're not busy, they probably could." Y/N said. "But are you going to be okay without us for the night?"

"Yeah, I'll be okay, Dad." Anne reassured him. "You and Mum enjoy yourselves. Don't worry. And be safe for me."

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