Chapter 9 - smoke

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//Picture from ig from 404blackbox//


Brett took out a ciggarette. He lit it and put in his mouth. The first draw felt like a piece of heaven. He knew it wasnt healthy for him, though. But he'll die anyway, so what's the big deal. At least he can get some pleasure out of this pointless life. He put on hood of his white hoodie. It was preety cold. And noone was on the street. He walked by the caffe when they often hang out with Eddy. He hasn't seen Eddy today. Only sms which told him, that Eddy is going out and will be back before evening. Cool. He will be alone another long day. He wasn't angry with Eddy or anything. Eddy was just helping his friend, who had difficult time due to coronavirus. He had his own bussines Brett didnt even know what. Meh, who cares. Brett got to something like a little park. Noone was here as well. He coughed heavily. And felt a bit faintly. He sat down on a bench. Is it because of the wounds? Who cares. He put his head beetwen his knees. Black frekles dissapeared from his sight. He should come back home. He wasnt even sure if he'll be able to play violin with his arm weak like that. The bandage was soaked with blood when he woked up today. If it won't stop bleeding he'll have to buy some more. At least he will have to do something. Not just watch Netflix...


*same day, in the evening*

Eddy found Brett on the sofa staring at the tv screen. And drinking something. Was it milk?
"Hello Brett"
"Hello Eddy"
"How are you? "
"Normal. "
"Nothing else? Where have your feelins gone? "
"And bored. "
"Inteligent people cannot be bored. "
"So I'm stupid. "
"Anyway, what are you watching? Eww how much blood. Is it criminal or something? "
"Yup. "
"Oh, I know this actor"
"He's probably the most famous out of them. "
"What the title? "
"The mentalist. First season."
"I heard of it, I think "
"Really? It's the first series I discovered myself, hehe. I think. "
"Cool. "
A minute of silence. Jane was winning poker on the screen.
"He's cool",  Eddy said.
"Yea, totally. I was thinking about becoming a cop because of him. "
"What?? Really? "
"For a while. When I was fifteen. "
"Brett the policeman. LOL. You would look cool in police clothes. "
"Why are you using "cool " all the time? "
"Cause its cool. "
"But there are so many other words. "
"Like what? "
"Idk. Nice, good, fine, interesting, fun"
"I'm talking with you, not writing an esay. "
"Ehhh. Nevermind. " Brett stood up and went to the kitchen.
"Is this my hoodie? "
"Eddy you have such a good reflex. "
"Pff. ... Isn't it too big for you? "
"Nope. " Brett pulled up green sleves.
"If you like it. " Eddy shrugged. "It is cool, isnt it? "
"... "
"Your glasses are cool too. Hahaha. And you know why? Because I helped you choose it. "
"... "
"Why are you drinking milk? "
"... Because I'm a calf. "
"You know that you cant grow taller. "
"... "
"But you secretly wish for it. Hehehe"
"Eddy. "
"What? "
"Could you please stop all these nonsense? "
"It is all pure truth. "
"Are you really that stupid? "
Eddy made a pouted face. "Why you always have to be so deadpan? Cheer up a little :) " And started to tickle Brett.
"No, no, no, you picked the wrong man Eddy. " Brett grinned and tickled Eddy's tummy.
"Stop it! Hahaha, stop, haha"
"No, this is your punishment. "
"My God, I cant. Stop hahaha hahaha. Brettt please "
"But you will shut up for five minutes"
"Haha, yes I'll do anything. Just stop"
"Okay then"
"Man that was awful. "
"Shut up! "
"Holy moly, dont be mad. Remember to be a cool man. ;) "
"Nah, you will never learn" and Brett tickled Eddy to tears and until he promised him bubble tea. One liter bubble tea.

Brett being a bad boy lol.
This is actually my favourite tv series. "The mentalist". and Jane is cool. I reccomend it to everyone!!


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